Cited by
Cited by
Model-free control of dc/dc converters
L Michel, C Join, M Fliess, P Sicard, A Chériti
2010 IEEE 12th workshop on control and modeling for power electronics …, 2010
FPGA implementation of an optimal IGBT gate driver based on Posicast control
L Michel, X Boucher, A Cheriti, P Sicard, F Sirois
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 28 (5), 2569-2575, 2012
A survey on the discrete-time differentiators in closed-loop control systems: Experiments on an electro-pneumatic system
MR Mojallizadeh, B Brogliato, A Polyakov, S Selvarajan, L Michel, ...
Control Engineering Practice 136, 105546, 2023
An experimental investigation of discretized homogeneous differentiators: pneumatic actuator case
L Michel, S Selvarajan, M Ghanes, F Plestan, Y Aoustin, JP Barbot
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics 2 (3 …, 2021
Development of an efficient IGBT simulation model
L Michel, A Chériti, P Sicard
2009 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 252-256, 2009
Model-free control of the dynamic lift of a wind turbine blade section: experimental results
L Michel, I Neunaber, R Mishra, C Braud, F Plestan, JP Barbot, X Boucher, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2265 (3), 032068, 2022
Semi-implicit homogeneous euler differentiator for a second-order system: Validation on real data
L Michel, M Ghanes, F Plestan, Y Aoustin, JP Barbot
2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5911-5917, 2021
Semi-implicit Euler discretization for homogeneous observer-based control: One dimensional case
L Michel, M Ghanes, F Plestan, Y Aoustin, JP Barbot
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 5135-5140, 2020
A para-model agent for dynamical systems
L Michel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1202.4707, 2012
A noise less-sensing semi-implicit discretization of a homogeneous differentiator: principle and application
L Michel, M Ghanes, F Plestan, Y Aoustin, JP Barbot
2021 European Control Conference (ECC), 2340-2345, 2021
Model-free based control of a gripper actuated by pneumatic muscles
P Hamon, L Michel, F Plestan, D Chablat
Mechatronics 95, 103053, 2023
A Third order Semi-Implicit Homogeneous differentiator: Experimental Results
L Michel, M Ghanes, Y Aoustin, JP Barbot
2022 16th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (VSS), 77-82, 2022
Model-free control of nonlinear power converters
L Michel, W Michiels, X Boucher
arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.2477, 2013
Variational and symplectic approach of the model-free control
L Michel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1011.4237, 2010
Physical and system power electronics simulator based on a SPICE kernel
L Michel, A Chériti, P Sicard
2010 IEEE 12th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics …, 2010
Model-free based digital control for magnetic measurements
L Michel, O Ghibaudo, O Messal, A Kedous-Lebouc, C Boudinet, F Blache, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.05395, 2017
Commande «sans modèle» pour l'asservissement numérique d'un banc de caractérisation magnétique
L Michel, O Ghibaudo, M Oualid, A Lebouc, C Boudinet, F Blache, ...
Symposium de Génie électrique, 2016
A novel lift controller for a wind turbine blade section using an active flow control device including saturations: experimental results
L Michel, I Neunaber, R Mishra, C Braud, F Plestan, JP Barbot, P Hamon
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2024
A novel lift controller for a wind turbine blade section using an active flow control device: experimental results
L Michel, I Neunaber, R Mishra, C Braud, F Plestan, JP Barbot, P Hamon
2022 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 1327-1332, 2022
Control of a gripper finger actuated by a pneumatic muscle: new schemes based on a model-free approach
P Hamon, L Michel, F Plestan, D Chablat
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (27), 25-30, 2022
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Articles 1–20