Christopher Lynch
Christopher Lynch
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Cited by
Basic paramodulation
L Bachmair, H Ganzinger, C Lynch, W Snyder
Information and computation 121 (2), 172-192, 1995
Basic paramodulation and superposition
L Bachmair, H Ganzinger, C Lynch, W Snyder
International Conference on Automated Deduction, 462-476, 1992
On deciding satisfiability by theorem proving with speculative inferences
MP Bonacina, CA Lynch, L De Moura
Journal of Automated Reasoning 47 (2), 161-189, 2011
On forward closure and the finite variant property
C Bouchard, KA Gero, C Lynch, P Narendran
Frontiers of Combining Systems: 9th International Symposium, FroCoS 2013 …, 2013
Automatic decidability
C Lynch, B Morawska
Proceedings 17th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 7-16, 2002
Oriented equational logic programming is complete
C Lynch
Journal of Symbolic Computation 23 (1), 23-45, 1997
Goal directed strategies for paramodulation
W Snyder, C Lynch
International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 150-161, 1991
Basic syntactic mutation
C Lynch, B Morawska
International Conference on Automated Deduction, 471-485, 2002
On deciding satisfiability by DPLL () and unsound theorem proving
MP Bonacina, C Lynch, L De Moura
International Conference on Automated Deduction, 35-50, 2009
On the relative soundness of the free algebra model for public key encryption
C Lynch, C Meadows
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 125 (1), 43-54, 2005
Effective symbolic protocol analysis via equational irreducibility conditions
S Erbatur, S Escobar, D Kapur, Z Liu, C Lynch, C Meadows, J Meseguer, ...
Computer Security–ESORICS 2012: 17th European Symposium on Research in …, 2012
Protocol analysis in Maude-NPA using unification modulo homomorphic encryption
S Escobar, D Kapur, C Lynch, C Meadows, J Meseguer, P Narendran, ...
Proceedings of the 13th international ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles …, 2011
Asymmetric unification: A new unification paradigm for cryptographic protocol analysis
S Erbatur, S Escobar, D Kapur, Z Liu, CA Lynch, C Meadows, J Meseguer, ...
International Conference on Automated Deduction, 231-248, 2013
Delving of sandy surfaced soils reduces frost damage in wheat crops
M Rebbeck, C Lynch, PT Hayman, VO Sadras
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 58 (2), 105-112, 2007
Mapping the active site topography of the NAD-malic enzyme via alanine-scanning site-directed mutagenesis
WE Karsten, L Chooback, D Liu, CC Hwang, C Lynch, PF Cook
Biochemistry 38 (32), 10527-10532, 1999
Redundancy criteria for constrained completion
C Lynch, W Snyder
Theoretical computer science 142 (2), 141-177, 1995
Automatic decidability and combinability revisited
C Lynch, DK Tran
Automated Deduction–CADE-21: 21st International Conference on Automated …, 2007
Automatic decidability and combinability
C Lynch, S Ranise, C Ringeissen, DK Tran
Information and Computation 209 (7), 1026-1047, 2011
Paramodulation without duplication
C Lynch
Proceedings of Tenth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 167-177, 1995
Cap unification: application to protocol security modulo homomorphic encryption
S Anantharaman, H Lin, C Lynch, P Narendran, M Rusinowitch
Proceedings of the 5th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and …, 2010
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Articles 1–20