Katsushi S. Imai
Katsushi S. Imai
Reader in Economics, University of Manchester
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Microfinance and household poverty reduction: New evidence from India
KS Imai, T Arun, SK Annim
World development 38 (12), 1760-1774, 2010
Remittances, growth and poverty: New evidence from Asian countries
KS Imai, R Gaiha, A Ali, N Kaicker
Journal of Policy Modeling 36 (3), 524-538, 2014
Microfinance and poverty—a macro perspective
KS Imai, R Gaiha, G Thapa, SK Annim
World development 40 (8), 1675-1689, 2012
Does microfinance reduce poverty in Bangladesh? New evidence from household panel data
KS Imai, MS Azam
Journal of Development studies 48 (5), 633-653, 2012
Women’s empowerment and prevalence of stunted and underweight children in rural India
KS Imai, SK Annim, VS Kulkarni, R Gaiha
World Development 62, 88-105, 2014
Does non-farm sector employment reduce rural poverty and vulnerability? Evidence from Vietnam and India
KS Imai, R Gaiha, G Thapa
Journal of Asian Economics 36, 47-61, 2015
Microfinance and household poverty reduction: Empirical evidence from rural Pakistan
AK Ghalib, I Malki, KS Imai
Oxford Development Studies 43 (1), 84-104, 2015
Vulnerability and poverty dynamics in Vietnam
KS Imai, R Gaiha, W Kang
Applied Economics 43 (25), 3603-3618, 2011
Poverty, inequality and ethnic minorities in Vietnam
KS Imai, R Gaiha, W Kang
International review of applied economics 25 (3), 249-282, 2011
Vulnerability, shocks and persistence of poverty: estimates for semi‐arid rural South India
R Gaiha, K Imai*
Oxford Development Studies 32 (2), 261-281, 2004
Vulnerability and poverty in Bangladesh
MS Azam, KS Imai
Chronic poverty research Centre working paper, 2009
Poverty reduction during the rural–urban transformation: Rural development is still more important than urbanisation
KS Imai, R Gaiha, A Garbero
Journal of Policy Modeling 39 (6), 963-982, 2017
Measuring vulnerability and poverty estimates for rural India
R Gaiha, K Imai
WIDER Research Paper, 2008
Pro-poor growth, poverty and inequality in rural Vietnam
W Kang, KS Imai
Journal of Asian Economics 23 (5), 527-539, 2012
Agricultural supply response and smallholders market participation: the case of Cambodia
MS Azam, R Gaiha, K Imai
School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester, 2012
On the Targeting and Cost‐Effectiveness of Anti‐Poverty Programmes in Rural India
R Gaiha, K Imai, PD Kaushik
Development and Change 32 (2), 309-342, 2001
Supply response to changes in agricultural commodity prices in Asian countries
KS Imai, R Gaiha, G Thapa
Journal of Asian Economics 22 (1), 61-75, 2011
Does the Microfinance Reduce Poverty in India? Propensity Score Matching based on a National-level Household Data
T Arun, K Imai, F Sinha
Economics Discussion Paper, The University of Manchester, September, 1-6, 2006
The impact of microfinance and its role in easing poverty of rural households: Estimations from Pakistan
AK Ghalib, I Malki, KS Imai
Kobe University 9 (1), 1-37, 2011
Does the old-age pension scheme improve household welfare? Evidence from India
V Unnikrishnan, KS Imai
World Development 134, 105017, 2020
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