Janet L Harris
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Cited by
Critical appraisal of qualitative research
K Hannes, J Noyes, A Booth, A Harden, J Harris, S Lewin, C Lockwood
Cochrane Qualitative Research Methods Group; http://cqrmg. cochrane. org …, 2011
Qualitative evidence
J Noyes, A Booth, M Cargo, K Flemming, A Harden, J Harris, R Garside, ...
Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions, 525-545, 2019
Qualitative research and Cochrane reviews
J Noyes, J Popay, A Pearson, K Hannes, A Booth
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions: Cochrane Book …, 2008
COREQ (consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative studies)
A Booth, K Hannes, A Harden, J Noyes, J Harris, A Tong
Guidelines for reporting health research: a user's manual, 214-226, 2014
The facilitators and barriers to implementing patient reported outcome measures in organisations delivering health related services: a systematic review of reviews
A Foster, L Croot, J Brazier, J Harris, A O’Cathain
Journal of patient-reported outcomes 2, 1-16, 2018
Sicily statement on classification and development of evidence-based practice learning assessment tools
JK Tilson, SL Kaplan, JL Harris, A Hutchinson, D Ilic, R Niederman, ...
BMC medical education 11, 1-10, 2011
Towards a methodology for cluster searching to provide conceptual and contextual “richness” for systematic reviews of complex interventions: case study (CLUSTER). BM
A Booth, J Harris, E Croot, J Springett, F Campbell, E Wilkins
BMC medical research methodology, 13(1), 118. 13 (1 118), 118, 2013
Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group guidance series—paper 2: methods for question formulation, searching, and protocol development for qualitative evidence …
JL Harris, A Booth, M Cargo, K Hannes, A Harden, K Flemming, ...
Journal of clinical epidemiology 97, 39-48, 2018
Social impact of participatory health research: collaborative non-linear processes of knowledge mobilization
TA Abma, T Cook, M Rämgård, E Kleba, J Harris, N Wallerstein
Educational action research 25 (4), 489-505, 2017
Are journal clubs effective in supporting evidence-based decision making? A systematic review. BEME Guide No. 16.
J Harris, K Kearley, C Heneghan, E Meats, N Roberts, R Perera, ...
Medical teacher 33 (1), 9-23, 2011
Assessing the complexity of interventions within systematic reviews: development, content and use of a new tool (iCAT_SR)
S Lewin, M Hendry, J Chandler, AD Oxman, S Michie, S Shepperd, ...
BMC medical research methodology 17, 1-13, 2017
Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group guidance series—paper 5: methods for integrating qualitative and implementation evidence within intervention …
A Harden, J Thomas, M Cargo, J Harris, T Pantoja, K Flemming, A Booth, ...
Journal of clinical epidemiology 97, 70-78, 2018
Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group guidance series—paper 1: introduction
J Noyes, A Booth, M Cargo, K Flemming, R Garside, K Hannes, A Harden, ...
Journal of clinical epidemiology 97, 35-38, 2018
Can community-based peer support promote health literacy and reduce inequalities? A realist review.
J Harris, J Springett, L Croot, A Booth, F Campbell, J Thompson, E Goyder, ...
Public Health Research 3 (3), 2015
Supplementary guidance for inclusion of qualitative research in Cochrane systematic reviews of interventions
J Noyes, A Booth, K Hannes, A Harden, J Harris, S Lewin, C Lockwood
Noyes J BA, Hannes K, r A, Harris J, Lewin S, Lockwood C editor: Cochrane …, 2011
Attitudes of women with chronic pelvic pain to the gynaecological consultation: a qualitative study.
S Price, J., Farmer, G., Harris, J., Hope, T., Kennedy
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 113 (4), 446-452, 2006
How stakeholder participation can contribute to systematic reviews of complex interventions
J Harris, J., Springett, J., Croot, L., Thompson
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 70, 207-214, 2016
What is participatory health research?
MT Wright, J Springett, K Kongats
Participatory health research: voices from around the world, 3-15, 2018
Quality circles for quality improvement in primary health care: their origins, spread, effectiveness and lacunae–a scoping review
A Rohrbasser, J Harris, S Mickan, K Tal, G Wong
PloS one 13 (12), e0202616, 2018
Celebrating methodological challenges and changes: reflecting on the emergence and importance of the role of qualitative evidence in Cochrane reviews.
J Hannes, K., Booth, A., Harris, J., & Noyes
Systematic Reviews 2 (1), 84, 2013
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Articles 1–20