Joseph E. Hightower
Joseph E. Hightower
NC State University (retired U. S. Geological Survey)
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A review of tagging methods for estimating fish population size and components of mortality
WE Pine, KH Pollock, JE Hightower, TJ Kwak, JA Rice
Fisheries 28 (10), 10-23, 2003
Gulf sturgeon spawning migration and habitat in the Choctawhatchee River system, Alabama–Florida
DA Fox, JE Hightower, FM Parauka
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129 (3), 811-826, 2000
Use of telemetry methods to estimate natural and fishing mortality of striped bass in Lake Gaston, North Carolina
JE Hightower, JR Jackson, KH Pollock
Transactions of the American Fisheries society 130 (4), 557-567, 2001
Population Status of North American Green Sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris
PB Adams, C Grimes, JE Hightower, ST Lindley, ML Moser, MJ Parsley
Environmental Biology of Fishes 79, 339-356, 2007
Fish population dynamics: mortality, growth, and recruitment
MS Allen, JE Hightower
Inland fisheries management in North America, 3rd edition. American …, 2010
Combining telemetry and fisheries tagging models to estimate fishing and natural mortality rates
KH Pollock, H Jiang, JE Hightower
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133 (3), 639-648, 2004
Movement and habitat use of green sturgeon Acipenser medirostris in the Rogue River, Oregon, USA
DL Erickson, JA North, JE Hightower, J Weber, L Lauck
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 18 (4-6), 565-569, 2002
Oceanic distribution and behavior of green sturgeon
DL Erickson, JE Hightower
American Fisheries Society Symposium 56, 197, 2007
Effects of a low-head dam on the distribution and characteristics of spawning habitat used by striped bass and American shad
CA Beasley, JE Hightower
Transactions of the American Fisheries society 129 (6), 1316-1330, 2000
Distribution, habitat use, and size of Atlantic sturgeon captured during cooperative winter tagging cruises, 1988-2006
RW Laney, JE Hightower, BR Versak, MF Mangold, WW Cole, ...
American Fisheries Society Symposium 56, 167, 2007
Design and analysis of tagging studies
WE Pine, JE Hightower, LG Coggins, MV Lauretta, KH Pollock
Fisheries techniques, 3rd edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda …, 2012
Estuarine and nearshore marine habitat use by Gulf sturgeon from the Choctawhatchee River system, Florida
DA Fox, JE Hightower, FM Parauka
American Fisheries Society Symposium 28, 111-126, 2002
Distribution of spawning activity by anadromous fishes in an Atlantic slope drainage after removal of a low-head dam
SM Burdick, JE Hightower
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135 (5), 1290-1300, 2006
Status review for North American green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris
PB Adams, CB Grimes, JE Hightower, ST Lindley, ML Moser
The relative gonadal index: An alternative index for quantification of reproductive condition
DL Erickson, JE Hightower, GD Grossman
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology 81 (1), 117-120, 1985
Summer distribution and condition of striped bass within Albemarle Sound, North Carolina
SL Haeseker, JT Carmichael, JE Hightower
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 125 (5), 690-704, 1996
A combined telemetry–tag return approach to estimate fishing and natural mortality rates of an estuarine fish
NM Bacheler, JA Buckel, JE Hightower, LM Paramore, KH Pollock
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66 (8), 1230-1244, 2009
Spawning migration of telemetered striped bass in the Roanoke River, North Carolina
JT Carmichael, SL Haeseker, JE Hightower
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 127 (2), 286-297, 1998
Abiotic and biotic factors influence the habitat use of an estuarine fish
NM Bacheler, LM Paramore, JA Buckel, JE Hightower
Marine Ecology Progress Series 377, 263-277, 2009
Tag return models allowing for harvest and catch and release: evidence of environmental and management impacts on striped bass fishing and natural mortality rates
H Jiang, KH Pollock, C Brownie, JM Hoenig, RJ Latour, BK Wells, ...
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27 (2), 387-396, 2007
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Articles 1–20