William Thompson
William Thompson
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Human-mouse genome comparisons to locate regulatory sites
WW Wasserman, M Palumbo, W Thompson, JW Fickett, CE Lawrence
Nature genetics 26 (2), 225-228, 2000
Gibbs Recursive Sampler: finding transcription factor binding sites
W Thompson, EC Rouchka, CE Lawrence
Nucleic acids research 31 (13), 3580-3585, 2003
Phylogenetic footprinting of transcription factor binding sites in proteobacterial genomes
LA McCue, W Thompson, CS Carmack, MP Ryan, JS Liu, V Derbyshire, ...
Nucleic acids research 29 (3), 774-782, 2001
Transcriptional landscape of repetitive elements in normal and cancer human cells
SW Criscione, Y Zhang, W Thompson, JM Sedivy, N Neretti
BMC genomics 15, 1-17, 2014
Identification of co-regulated genes through Bayesian clustering of predicted regulatory binding sites
ZS Qin, LA McCue, W Thompson, L Mayerhofer, CE Lawrence, JS Liu
Nature biotechnology 21 (4), 435-439, 2003
Factors influencing the identification of transcription factor binding sites by cross-species comparison
LA McCue, W Thompson, CS Carmack, CE Lawrence
Genome research 12 (10), 1523-1532, 2002
Decoding human regulatory circuits
W Thompson, MJ Palumbo, WW Wasserman, JS Liu, CE Lawrence
Genome research 14 (10a), 1967-1974, 2004
The Gibbs centroid sampler
WA Thompson, LA Newberg, S Conlan, LA McCue, CE Lawrence
Nucleic acids research 35 (suppl_2), W232-W237, 2007
Clinical and bacteriological efficacy of rifampin-streptomycin combination for two weeks followed by rifampin and clarithromycin for six weeks for treatment of Mycobacterium …
RO Phillips, FS Sarfo, MK Abass, J Abotsi, T Wilson, M Forson, ...
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 58 (2), 1161-1166, 2014
Next-generation SELEX identifies sequence and structural determinants of splicing factor binding in human pre-mRNA sequence
DC Reid, BL Chang, SI Gunderson, L Alpert, WA Thompson, ...
Rna 15 (12), 2385-2397, 2009
A phylogenetic Gibbs sampler that yields centroid solutions for cis-regulatory site prediction
LA Newberg, WA Thompson, S Conlan, TM Smith, LA McCue, ...
Bioinformatics 23 (14), 1718-1727, 2007
Competition, predation risk and patterns of flock expansion in barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis)
C Carbone, WA Thompson, L Zadorina, JM Rowcliffe
Journal of zoology 259 (3), 301-308, 2003
Automated mapping of large-scale chromatin structure in ENCODE
H Lian, WA Thompson, R Thurman, JA Stamatoyannopoulos, WS Noble, ...
Bioinformatics 24 (17), 1911-1916, 2008
Anatomy of a preferred target site for the bacterial insertion sequence IS903
WY Hu, W Thompson, CE Lawrence, KM Derbyshire
Journal of Molecular Biology 306 (3), 403-416, 2001
Antipornography campaigns: saving the family in America and England
CE Greek, W Thompson
International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 601-616, 1992
Cavendish lecture 1975. Herbs that heal.
WA Thompson
The Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners 26 (166), 365, 1976
Using the Gibbs motif sampler to find conserved domains in DNA and protein sequences
W Thompson, LA McCue, CE Lawrence
Current protocols in bioinformatics 10 (1), 2.8. 1-2.8. 42, 2005
Charismatic politics: the social and political impact of renewal
W Thompson
Charismatic Christianity: sociological perspectives, 160-183, 1997
Using the Gibbs Motif Sampler for phylogenetic footprinting
W Thompson, S Conlan, LA McCue, CE Lawrence
Comparative Genomics, 403-423, 2008
Britain's Moral Majority
W Thompson
Religion, 64-91, 1992
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Articles 1–20