Dominique Bechmann
Dominique Bechmann
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A survey of spatial deformation from a user-centered perspective
J Gain, D Bechmann
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 27 (4), 1-21, 2008
Deformation of n-dimensional objects
P Borrel, D Bechmann
Proceedings of the first ACM symposium on Solid modeling foundations and CAD …, 1991
Space deformation models survey
D Bechmann
Computers & Graphics 18 (4), 571-586, 1994
Influence of degrees of freedom's manipulation on performances during orientation tasks in virtual reality environments
M Veit, A Capobianco, D Bechmann
Proceedings of the 16th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2009
Volume-preserving space deformation
F Aubert, D Bechmann
Computers & Graphics 21 (5), 625-639, 1997
The spin menu: A menu system for virtual environments
D Gerber, D Bechmann
IEEE Virtual Reality 2005, 271,272-271,272, 2005
Continuous free form deformation
D Bechmann, Y Bertrand, S Thery
Computer networks and ISDN systems 29 (14), 1715-1725, 1997
Extension of half-edges for the representation of multiresolution subdivision surfaces
P Kraemer, D Cazier, D Bechmann
The Visual Computer 25, 149-163, 2009
Arbitrary shaped deformations with dogme
D Bechmann, D Gerber
The Visual Computer 19 (2), 175-186, 2003
Starfish: a selection technique for dense virtual environments
J Wonner, J Grosjean, A Capobianco, D Bechmann
Proceedings of the 18th ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and …, 2012
Animation through space and time based on a space deformation model
D Bechmann, N Dubreuil
The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 4 (3), 165-184, 1993
Animation by deformation of space‐time objects
F Aubert, D Bechmann
Computer Graphics Forum 16, C57-C66, 1997
An experimental analysis of the impact of touch screen interaction techniques for 3-d positioning tasks
M Veit, A Capobianco, D Bechmann
2011 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, 75-82, 2011
Multidimensional free-form deformation tools.
D Bechmann
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports), 1998
Umi3d: A unity3d toolbox to support cscw systems properties in generic 3d user interfaces
J Casarin, N Pacqueriaud, D Bechmann
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2 (CSCW), 1-20, 2018
Dynamic decomposition and integration of degrees of freedom for 3-d positioning
M Veit, A Capobianco, D Bechmann
Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2010
A unified model for interaction in 3d environment
J Casarin, D Bechmann, M Keller
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2017
Order‐controlled free‐form animation
D Bechmann, N Dubreuil
The Journal of Visualization and computer animation 6 (1), 11-32, 1995
Consequence of Two-handed Manipulation on Speed, Precision and Perception on Spatial Input Task in 3D Modelling Applications.
M Veit, A Capobianco, D Bechmann
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 14 (19), 3174-3187, 2008
3D distance transform adaptive filtering for smoothing and denoising triangle meshes
M Fournier, JM Dischler, D Bechmann
Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Computer graphics and …, 2006
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Articles 1–20