Andrew J. Elmore
Andrew J. Elmore
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES)
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Grazing systems, ecosystem responses, and global change
GP Asner, AJ Elmore, LP Olander, RE Martin, AT Harris
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 29 (1), 261-299, 2004
Global patterns of foliar nitrogen isotopes and their relationships with climate, mycorrhizal fungi, foliar nutrient concentrations, and nitrogen availability
JM Craine, AJ Elmore, MPM Aidar, M Bustamante, TE Dawson, ...
New Phytologist 183 (4), 980-992, 2009
Quantifying vegetation change in semiarid environments: precision and accuracy of spectral mixture analysis and the normalized difference vegetation index
AJ Elmore, JF Mustard, SJ Manning, DB Lobell
Remote sensing of environment 73 (1), 87-102, 2000
Disappearing headwaters: patterns of stream burial due to urbanization
AJ Elmore, SS Kaushal
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 6 (6), 308-312, 2008
Timing of climate variability and grassland productivity
JM Craine, JB Nippert, AJ Elmore, AM Skibbe, SL Hutchinson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (9), 3401-3405, 2012
Landscape controls on the timing of spring, autumn, and growing season length in mid‐A tlantic forests
AJ Elmore, SM Guinn, BJ Minsley, AD Richardson
Global Change Biology 18 (2), 656-674, 2012
Evidence, causes, and consequences of declining nitrogen availability in terrestrial ecosystems
RE Mason, JM Craine, NK Lany, M Jonard, SV Ollinger, PM Groffman, ...
Science 376 (6590), eabh3767, 2022
Isotopic evidence for oligotrophication of terrestrial ecosystems
JM Craine, AJ Elmore, L Wang, J Aranibar, M Bauters, P Boeckx, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (11), 1735-1744, 2018
Using spatial information technologies to select sites for biomass power plants: A case study in Guangdong Province, China
X Shi, A Elmore, X Li, NJ Gorence, H Jin, X Zhang, F Wang
Biomass and Bioenergy 32 (1), 35-43, 2008
Convergence of soil nitrogen isotopes across global climate gradients
JM Craine, AJ Elmore, L Wang, L Augusto, WT Baisden, ENJ Brookshire, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 8280, 2015
Climate change and cattle nutritional stress
JM Craine, AJ Elmore, KC Olson, D Tolleson
Global Change Biology 16 (10), 2901-2911, 2010
Regional patterns of plant community response to changes in water: Owens Valley, California
AJ Elmore, JF Mustard, SJ Manning
Ecological Applications 13 (2), 443-460, 2003
Decline in alkali meadow vegetation cover in California: the effects of groundwater extraction and drought
AJ Elmore, SJ Manning, JF Mustard, JM Craine
Journal of Applied Ecology 43 (4), 770-779, 2006
Spatio-temporal patterns in water surface temperature from Landsat time series data in the Chesapeake Bay, USA
H Ding, AJ Elmore
Remote Sensing of Environment 168, 335-348, 2015
Effects of grazing intensity on soil carbon stocks following deforestation of a Hawaiian dry tropical forest
AJ Elmore, GP Asner
Global change biology 12 (9), 1761-1772, 2006
Influence of wetland networks on bat activity in mixed-use landscapes
TR Lookingbill, AJ Elmore, KAM Engelhardt, JB Churchill, JE Gates, ...
Biological Conservation 143 (4), 974-983, 2010
Spatial distribution of agricultural residue from rice for potential biofuel production in China
AJ Elmore, X Shi, NJ Gorence, X Li, H Jin, F Wang, X Zhang
Biomass and Bioenergy 32 (1), 22-27, 2008
Ecosystem structure along bioclimatic gradients in Hawai'i from imaging spectroscopy
GP Asner, AJ Elmore, RF Hughes, AS Warner, PM Vitousek
Remote Sensing of Environment 96 (3-4), 497-508, 2005
Groundwater influences on atmospheric dust generation in deserts
AJ Elmore, JM Kaste, GS Okin, MS Fantle
Journal of Arid Environments 72 (10), 1753-1765, 2008
Centennial-scale reductions in nitrogen availability in temperate forests of the United States
KK McLauchlan, LM Gerhart, JJ Battles, JM Craine, AJ Elmore, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 7856, 2017
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Articles 1–20