Dénes Lajos Nagy
Dénes Lajos Nagy
Wigner Research Centre for Physics
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Mössbauer spectroscopy of frozen solutions
AA Andreev, SI Bondarevskii, S Morup, DI Nagy, FS Nasredinov, ...
Academiai Kiado, 1990
J. T6th, J. Dengler, G. Ritter and J. Schober
L Bottyan, B Molnar, DL Nagy, IS Sziics
Phys. Rev. B 38, 11373, 1988
Coarsening of antiferromagnetic domains in multilayers: the key role of magnetocrystalline anisotropy
DL Nagy, L Bottyán, B Croonenborghs, L Deák, B Degroote, J Dekoster, ...
Physical review letters 88 (15), 157202, 2002
A “copolymer-co-morphology” conception for shape-controlled synthesis of Prussian blue analogues and as-derived spinel oxides
X Li, L Yuan, J Wang, L Jiang, AI Rykov, DL Nagy, C Bogdán, MA Ahmed, ...
Nanoscale 8 (4), 2333-2342, 2016
Nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation by multilayer structures
AI Chumakov, L Niesen, DL Nagy, EE Alp
Hyperfine Interactions 123, 427-454, 1999
Coherent forward-scattering amplitude in transmission and grazing incidence Mössbauer spectroscopy
L Deák, L Bottyán, DL Nagy, H Spiering
Physical Review B 53 (10), 6158, 1996
Trends in Mössbauer emission spectroscopy of57Co/57Fe
DL Nagy
Hyperfine Interactions 83 (1), 1-19, 1994
On the localization of Co atoms in silicon
I Dézsi, R Coussement, G Langouche, B Molnar, DL Nagy, M De Potter
Le Journal de Physique Colloques 41 (C1), C1-425-C1-426, 1980
Calculation of nuclear resonant scattering spectra of magnetic multilayers
L Deák, L Bottyán, DL Nagy
Hyperfine Interactions 92, 1083-1088, 1994
Non‐Equilibrium Population of Fe3+ Electronic States after the Electron Capture I. 57Co in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3
R Doerfler, DL Nagy, HD Pfannes, A Putzka, G Ritter, N Zeman
physica status solidi (b) 124 (2), 767-772, 1984
Observation of the bulk spin-flop in an Fe/Cr superlattice
L Bottyán, L Deák, J Dekoster, E Kunnen, G Langouche, J Meersschaut, ...
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 240 (1-3), 514-516, 2002
A further example of slow relaxation in high-spin iron (II) compounds: Fe (papt) 2. C6H6
R Zimmermann, G Ritter, H Spiering, DL Nagy
Le Journal de Physique Colloques 35 (C6), C6-439-C6-442, 1974
A common optical algorithm for the evaluation of specular spin polarized neutron and Mössbauer reflectivities
L Deák, L Bottyán, DL Nagy, H Spiering
Physica B: Condensed Matter 297 (1-4), 113-117, 2001
Icems and dcems study of Fe layers evaporated onto Al and Si
Z Kajcsos, W Meisel, E Kuzmann, C Tosello, ML Gratton, A Vértes, ...
Hyperfine Interactions 57, 1883-1888, 1990
Reversible control of magnetism in FeRh thin films
DG Merkel, A Lengyel, DL Nagy, A Németh, ZE Horváth, C Bogdán, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 13923, 2020
Layer magnetization canting in 57Fe/FeSi multilayer observed by synchrotron Mössbauer reflectometry
L Bottyán, J Dekoster, L Deák, AQR Baron, S Degroote, R Moons, ...
Hyperfine Interactions 113, 295-301, 1998
Long-lived non-equilibrium population of Fe3+ electronic states after the K-capture of 57Co
DL Nagy, R Doerfler, G Ritter, J Waigel, N Zeman, B Molnár
Physics Letters A 95 (7), 400-402, 1983
Synchrotron Mössbauer reflectometry
DL Nagy, L Bottyán, L Deák, E Szilágyi, H Spiering, J Dekoster, ...
Hyperfine Interactions 126, 353-361, 2000
A CEMS study of ac-axis oriented thin film of YBa2(Cu0.97 57Fe0.03)3O7
J Dengler, G Ritter, G Saemann-Ischenko, B Roas, L Schultz, B Molnar, ...
Hyperfine Interactions 55, 1267-1272, 1990
Pure nuclear Bragg reflection of a periodic multilayer
L Deák, G Bayreuther, L Bottyán, E Gerdau, J Korecki, EI Kornilov, ...
Journal of applied physics 85 (1), 1-7, 1999
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Articles 1–20