Prof. Tinashe Chuchu
Prof. Tinashe Chuchu
Associate Professor: University of the Witwatersrand
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Student Perceptions Towards the use of YouTube as An Educational Tool for Learning and Tutorials
ET Maziriri, P Gapa, T Chuchu
International Journal of Instruction 13 (2), 119-138, 2020
The influence of store environment on brand attitude, brand experience and purchase intention
T Chuchu, M Venter de Villiers, R Chinomona
South African Journal of Business Management 49 (1), 1-8, 2018
The Conception of Consumer Perceived Risk towards Online Purchases of Apparel and an Idiosyncratic Scrutiny of Perceived Social Risk: A Review of Literature
ET Maziriri, T Chuchu
International Review of Management and Marketing 7 (3), 257-365, 2017
Threats, Challenges, And Opportunities for Open Universities and Massive Online Open Courses in The Digital Revolution
M Nascimento Cunha, T Chuchu, ET Maziriri
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 15 (12), 191-204, 2020
Celebrity endorsement Advertising: Brand awareness, brand recall, brand loyalty as antecedence of South African young consumers' purchase behaviour
T Ndlela, T Chuchu
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies 8 (2 (J)), 79-90, 2016
Examining the usage of Instagram as a source of information for young consumers when determining tourist destinations
CIV Gumpo, T Chuchu, ET Maziriri, NW Madinga
South African Journal of Information Management 22 (1), 1-11, 2020
An examination of the determinants of the adoption of mobile applications as learning tools for higher education students
T Chuchu, TT Ndoro
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 13 (3), 53-67, 2019
Exploring the impact of brand awareness, brand loyalty and brand attitude on purchase intention in online shopping
L Machi, P Nemavhidi, T Chuchu, B Nyagadza, MV de Villiers
International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478 …, 2022
How user-generated content advertising influences consumer attitudes, trust and purchase intention of products and services
D Demba, N Chiliya, T Chuchu, T Ndoro
Communicare : Journal for Communication Sciences in Southern Africa 38 (1 …, 2019
Antecedents of psychological well-being among workers within SMEs in the Gauteng Province, South Africa
ET Maziriri, T Chuchu, NW Madinga
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology 45 (0), 1-13, 2019
Using “Memes” as a Marketing Communication Tool in Connecting with Consumers within the Age of Digital Connectivity
S Vasile, L Mototo, T Chuchu
International Review of Management and Marketing 11 (3), 30-35, 2021
An Application of Internal Marketing for Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Johannesburg Construction Firms
WA Gwinji, N Chiliya, T Chuchu, T Ndoro
African Journal of Business and Economic Research 15 (1), 183 – 200, 2020
An Investigation of The Impact of Financial Literacy and Financial Socialization on Financial Satisfaction: Mediating Role of Financial Risk Attitude
NW Madinga, ET Maziriri, T Chuchu, ZN Magoda
Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies (SAGE, USA) 14 (1), 60-75, 2022
The impact of airport experience on international tourists’ revisit intention: a South African case
T Chuchu
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 29 (2), 414–427, 2020
To vote or not to vote: Marketing factors influencing the voting intention of university students in Johannesburg
A Morar, M Venter, T Chuchu
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies 7 (6), 81-93, 2015
Prognosticating anthropomorphic chatbots' usage intention as an e-banking customer service gateway: cogitations from Zimbabwe
B Nyagadza, A Muposhi, G Mazuruse, T Makoni, T Chuchu, ET Maziriri, ...
PSU Research Review (Emerald, UK), 2022
An Application of the Marketing Mix and Online Marketing as a Business Strategy for SMME Cafés in South Africa
M Gujral, M Rauzela, T Chuchu
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies 8 (3), 14-25, 2016
Facebook Communication and Marketing Influence on Decision-Making and Choice of University Student Representatives: A Student’s Perspective
T Chininga, E Rungani, N Chiliya, T Chuchu
Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 21 (2), 7-21, 2019
Innovation conviction, innovation mindset and innovation creed as precursors for the need for achievement and women's entrepreneurial success in South Africa: entrepreneurial …
ET Maziriri, B Nyagadza, T Chuchu
European Journal of Innovation Management (Emerald Insight, UK) 27 (4 …, 2024
The impact of mobile banking on the adoption of banking products and services in South Africa, using the technology acceptance model
M Koenaite, M Venter de Villiers, T Chuchu
Journal of Business and Retail Management Research 13 (3), 93-103, 2019
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Articles 1–20