Apostolos Koutropoulos
Cited by
Cited by
Using mLearning and MOOCs to understand chaos, emergence, and complexity in education
I deWaard, SC Abajian, MS Gallagher, R Hogue, N Keskin, ...
International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 12 (7), 94-115, 2011
Speculative futures on ChatGPT and generative artificial intelligence (AI): A collective reflection from the educational landscape
A Bozkurt, X Junhong, S Lambert, A Pazurek, H Crompton, S Koseoglu, ...
Asian Journal of Distance Education 18 (1), 53-130, 2023
Digital Natives: Ten Years After
A Koutropoulos
Journal of Online Teaching and Learning 7 (4), 525-538, 2011
Emotive Vocabulary in MOOCs: Context & Participant Retention
A Koutropoulos, MS Gallagher, SC Abajian, CO Rodriguez, R Hogue, ...
EuroDL: The european journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 2012
Exploring the MOOC format as a pedagogical approach for mLearning
I de Waard, A Koutropoulos, NÖ Keskin, SC Abajian, R Hogue, ...
10th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, 138-145, 2011
Merging MOOC and mLearning for Increased Learner Interactions
I de Waard, A Koutropoulos, NÖ Keskin, SC Abajian, R Hogue, ...
InternatIonal Journal of MobIle and blended learnIng 4 (4), 34-46, 2012
On lurking: Multiple perspectives on lurking within an educational community
A Bozkurt, A Koutropoulos, S Honeychurch, L Singh
The Internet and Higher Education 44 (January 2020), 100709, 2019
Learners on the Periphery: Lurkers as Invisible Learners
S Honeychurch, A Bozkurt, L Singh, K Apostolos
European Journal of Open, Distance, and E-Learning 20 (1), 191-211, 2017
Community Tracking in a CMOOC and Nomadic Learner Behavior Identification on a Connectivist Rhizomatic Learning Network
A Bozkurt, S Honeychurch, A Caines, M Bali, A Koutropoulos, D Cormier
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 17 (4), 4-30, 2016
Down the Rabbit Hole: An initial typology of issues around the development of MOOCs
A Koutropoulos, P Zaharias
Current Issues in Emerging eLearning 2 (1), 2015
How to succeed in a MOOC-massive online open course
A Koutropoulos, RJ Hogue
Learning Solutions Magazine 8, 2012
What Tweets Tell us About MOOC Participation
A Koutropoulos, SC Abajian, I deWaard, R Hogue, NO Keskin, ...
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 9 (1), 8-21, 2014
Teaching Presence in MOOCs: Perspectives and Learning Design Strategies
S Koseoglu, A Koutropoulos
10th International Conference on Networked Learning, 2016
Academic Check-Ins: Mobile Gamification for increasing motivation and engagement around the campus
A Koutropoulos
International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning 9 (5 …, 2012
Writing the Unreadable Untext: a Collaborative Autoethnography of #rhizo14
K Hamon, RJ Hogue, S Honeychurch, S Johnson, A Koutropoulos, ...
Hybrid Pedagogy, 2015
Exploring the future of seamless learning research strands for massive open online courses
I de Waard, N Keskin, A Koutropoulos
Emerging Trends and Priorities in Distance Education: communication …, 2014
What is it Like to Learn and Participate in Rhizomatic MOOCs? A Collaborative Autoethnography of #RHIZO14
M Bali, S Honeychurch, K Hamon, A Koutropoulos, S Johnson, ...
Current Issues in Emerging eLearning 3 (1), 41-59, 2016
Hybrid Presence in Networked Learning: A Shifting and Evolving Construct
A Koutropoulos, S Koseoglu
Networked Learning, 2018
National Strategies for OER and MOOCs From 2010 to 2020: Canada, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, UK, and USA
N Özdamar Keskin, A Koutropoulos, I de Waard, D Metcalf, M Gallagher, ...
Administrative Leadership in Open and Distance Learning Programs, 188-212, 2017
How the community became more than the curriculum: participant experiences in# RHIZO14
S Honeychurch, B Stewart, M Bali, RJ Hogue, D Cormier
Current Issues in Emerging eLearning 3 (1), 2016
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Articles 1–20