Prof Herbert Moyo
Cited by
Cited by
Pastoral care in the healing of moral injury: A case of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans
H Moyo
HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 71 (2), 11, 2015
Religion and African indigenous knowledge systems: Healing and communal reconstruction in African communities
H Moyo
Alternation Journal, 207-236, 2013
“Church Discipline as Virginity Testing: Shaping Adolescent Girls’ Sexuality in the Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Africa”.
CSM Herbert
Alternation 23 (2), 89-104, 2016
“Dual observances of African Traditional Religion and Christianity: Some implications for Pastoral Care in the Pluralistic Religious Worldview of the Ndebele People of Matabo …
H Moyo
Journal of Theology for Southern Africa 148, 115-132, 2014
Gendered mourning and grieving rituals amongst the Jahunda people of Zimbabwe as a challenge to the pastoral care ministry of the church
H Moyo
black theology 12 (3), 213-229, 2014
The Death of Isintu in Contemporary Technological Era: The Ethics of Sex Robots Among the Ndebele of Matabo
H Moyo
African Values, Ethics, and Technology: Questions, Issues, and Approaches …, 2021
Liturgy and Justice in Postcolonial Zimbabwe: Holy People, Holy Places, Holy Things in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe
H Moyo
Liturgy in Postcolonial Perspectives: Only One Is Holy, 95-106, 2015
The Ritualization of Death and Dying: The Journey from the Living Living to the Living Dead in African Religions
H Moyo
Death and Dying: An Exercise in Comparative Philosophy of Religion, 115-124, 2019
“The Traditionalization of Menopause among the Karanga of Zimbabwe and the Shangaan Tsonga of Mozambique in a Context of HIV”
H Moyo
Alternation 23 (2), 250-265, 2016
Pastoral Care in a Globalised World: African and European Perspectives.
H Moyo
Cluster Publications -Pietermaritzburg, 2015
“The pastor and the embryonic pastoral identities in Southern Africa”.
H Moyo
Pastoral Care in a Globalised World: African and European Perspectives, 2-28, 2015
Gender-based Violence: A Pastoral Quest for Masculinity Transformation and Gender-Balanced Power Relations among the Ovawambo of Namibia
H Johannes, H Moyo
Journal of Theology for Southern Africa 165, 65-77, 2019
“Healing Ministry of the Church: An Investigation into the Engagement and/or Disengagement of the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe (MCZ) on HIV and AIDS”.
MHM Martin
Alternation 23 (2), 44-63, 2016
The Importance of the Physicality of the Bible in African Churches.
H Moyo
Journal of Theology for Southern Africa 153, 128-140, 2015
The investigation of the theological implications for the practical pastoral ministry of the evangelical Lutheran church in Zimbabwe posed by the political and socio-economic …
H Moyo
University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2013
“Caught between a Rock and a hard place: The politics of Homosexuality and the response of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe (ELCZ)”
H Moyo
Journal of Gender and religion in Africa 18 (1), 155-167, 2012
Priestly Office/Spirit Mediums/Pastoral Care
H Moyo
International Handbook of Practical Theology. Berlin: GmbH, 457, 2022
The pastor as an ecumenical leader: Reflections and Pastoral Ministry experiences at Bvumbura parish, Zimbabwe.
R Hove, H Moyo
Pharos Journal of Theology 103 (2), 2022
HIV, Aids, sex and sexualities in Africa
H Moyo, B Okyere-Manu
Alternation Journal 23 (2), 1-9, 2016
The Luther Decade on Reformation and Politics: Luther’s Situational Pastoral Advice in the Treatise on Temporal Authority and Its Impact on the Pastoral Mission of the …
H Moyo
SAGE Open 6 (2), 2158244016636428, 2016
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Articles 1–20