Oleksiy Kolezhuk
Oleksiy Kolezhuk
Other namesAlexei Kolezhuk
Professor of Physics, Institute of High Technologies at Kiev National University
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One-Dimensional Magnetism - in "Quantum Magnetism", ed. by U. Schollwöck, J. Richter, DJJ Farnell and RF Bishop
HJ Mikeska, AK Kolezhuk
Lecture Notes in Physics 645, 1-83, 2004
Matrix-product-states approach to Heisenberg ferrimagnetic spin chains
AK Kolezhuk, HJ Mikeska, S Yamamoto
Physical Review B 55 (6), R3336, 1997
Effective field theory for the S= 1 quantum nematic
BA Ivanov, AK Kolezhuk
Physical Review B 68 (5), 052401, 2003
Non-Haldane spin-liquid models with exact ground states
AK Kolezhuk, HJ Mikeska
Physical review letters 80 (12), 2709, 1998
Finitely correlated generalized spin ladders
AK Kolezhuk, HJ Mikeska
International Journal of Modern Physics B 12 (23), 2325-2348, 1998
First order transition in the frustrated antiferromagnetic Heisenberg S= 1 quantum spin chain
A Kolezhuk, R Roth, U Schollwöck
Physical review letters 77 (25), 5142, 1996
Phase diagram of an anisotropic frustrated ferromagnetic spin-1 2 chain in a magnetic field: A density matrix renormalization group study
F Heidrich-Meisner, IP McCulloch, AK Kolezhuk
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (14), 144417, 2009
Unconventional spin dynamics in the honeycomb-lattice material : High-field electron spin resonance studies
AN Ponomaryov, E Schulze, J Wosnitza, P Lampen-Kelley, A Banerjee, ...
Physical Review B 96 (24), 241107, 2017
Excitation hierarchy of the quantum sine-Gordon spin chain in a strong magnetic field
SA Zvyagin, AK Kolezhuk, J Krzystek, R Feyerherm
Physical review letters 93 (2), 027201, 2004
Solitons in low-dimensional antiferromagnets
BA Ivanov, AK Kolezhuk
Low Temperature Physics 21 (4), 275-301, 1995
Normal modes and soliton resonance for vortices in 2D classical antiferromagnets
BA Ivanov, AK Kolezhuk, GM Wysin
Physical review letters 76 (3), 511, 1996
Solitons with internal degrees of freedom in 1D Heisenberg antiferromagnets
BA Ivanov, AK Kolezhuk
Physical review letters 74 (10), 1859, 1995
Field-induced chiral phase in isotropic frustrated spin chains
A Kolezhuk, T Vekua
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (9), 094424, 2005
Fidelity at Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless quantum phase transitions
G Sun, AK Kolezhuk, T Vekua
Physical Review B 91 (1), 014418, 2015
Hole dynamics in an antiferromagnet across a deconfined quantum critical point
RK Kaul, A Kolezhuk, M Levin, S Sachdev, T Senthil
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (23), 235122, 2007
Theory of quantum impurities in spin liquids
A Kolezhuk, S Sachdev, RR Biswas, P Chen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (16), 165114, 2006
Spin Nematic and Antinematic States in a Spin- Isotropic Non-Heisenberg Magnet
YA Fridman, OA Kosmachev, AK Kolezhuk, BA Ivanov
Physical Review Letters 106 (9), 097202, 2011
Variational and density-matrix renormalization-group studies of the frustrated antiferromagnetic Heisenberg S= 1 quantum spin chain
A Kolezhuk, R Roth, U Schollwöck
Physical Review B 55 (14), 8928, 1997
Vector chiral order in frustrated spin chains
IP McCulloch, R Kube, M Kurz, A Kleine, U Schollwöck, AK Kolezhuk
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (9), 094404, 2008
Dynamics and relaxation in spin nematics
VG Bar'Yakhtar, VI Butrim, AK Kolezhuk, BA Ivanov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (22), 224407, 2013
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Articles 1–20