Todd Wellnitz
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Cited by
Functional redundancy in heterogeneous environments: implications for conservation
T Wellnitz, NLR Poff
Ecology Letters 4 (3), 177-179, 2001
Mechanisms influencing community composition and succession in mountain stream periphyton: interactions between scouring history, grazing, and irradiance
T Wellnitz, RB Rader
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 22 (4), 528-541, 2003
Redundancy among three herbivorous insects across an experimental current velocity gradient
LRN Poff, T Wellnitz, JB Monroe
Oecologia 134, 262-269, 2003
Current velocity and spatial scale as determinants of the distribution and abundance of two rheophilic herbivorous insects
TA Wellnitz, NLR Poff, G Cosyleón, B Steury
Landscape Ecology 16, 111-120, 2001
Current velocity and habitat patchiness shape stream herbivore movement
AL Hoffman, JD Olden, JB Monroe, N LeRoy Poff, T Wellnitz, JA Wiens
Oikos 115 (2), 358-368, 2006
Herbivory and irradiance shape periphytic architecture in a Swiss alpine stream
TA Wellnitz, JV Ward
Limnology and Oceanography 45 (1), 64-75, 2000
Does light intensity modify the effect mayfly grazers have on periphyton?
TA Wellnitz, JV Ward
Freshwater Biology 39 (1), 135-149, 1998
Parasite-altered behavior in a crustacean intermediate host: field and laboratory studies
BJ Maynard, TA Wellnitz, N Zanini, WG Wright, BS Dezfuli
The Journal of parasitology, 1102-1106, 1998
Using the science writing heuristic to improve undergraduate writing in biology
R Cronje, K Murray, S Rohlinger, T Wellnitz
International Journal of Science Education 35 (16), 2718-2731, 2013
Herbivory, current velocity and algal regrowth: how does periphyton grow when the grazers have gone?
T Wellnitz, N Leroy Poff
Freshwater Biology 51 (11), 2114-2123, 2006
Current velocity and invertebrate grazing regulate stream algae: results of an in situ electrical exclusion
RW Opsahl, T Wellnitz, N LeRoy Poff
Hydrobiologia 499, 135-145, 2003
Activity levels and predator detection by amphipods infected with an acanthocephalan parasite, Pomphorhynchus laevis
BS Dezfuli, BJ Maynard, TA Wellnitz
Folia Parasitologica 50 (2), 129-134, 2003
Light and a grazing mayfly shape periphyton in a Rocky Mountain stream
TA Wellnitz, RB Rader, JV Ward
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 15 (4), 496-507, 1996
Response of macroinvertebrates to blooms of iron-depositing bacteria
TA Wellnitz, KA Grief, SP Sheldon
Hydrobiologia 281, 1-17, 1994
Importance of light and nutrients in structuring an algal community in a Rocky Mountain stream
TA Wellnitz, RB Rader, JV Ward
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 11 (4), 399-413, 1996
The effects of iron and manganese on diatom colonization in a Vermont stream
TA Wellnitz, SP Sheldon
Freshwater biology 34 (3), 465-470, 1995
Current velocity influences the facilitation and removal of algae by stream grazers
WD Hintz, T Wellnitz
Aquatic Ecology 47, 235-244, 2013
A parasite spatially structures its host population
T Wellnitz, L Giari, B Maynard, BS Dezfuli
Oikos 100 (2), 263-268, 2003
Current velocity as a factor in determining macroinvertebrate assemblages on wood surfaces
J Schoen, E Merten, T Wellnitz
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 28 (2), 271-275, 2013
Photosynthetic response of stream periphyton to fluctuating light regimes
T Wellnitz, B Rinne
Journal of Phycology 35 (4), 667-672, 1999
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Articles 1–20