The DeLone and McLean model of information systems success: a ten-year update WH DeLone, ER McLean Journal of management information systems 19 (4), 9-30, 2003 | 19672 | 2003 |
Information systems success: The quest for the dependent variable WH DeLone, ER McLean Information systems research 3 (1), 60-95, 1992 | 18981 | 1992 |
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR MANAGEMENT, (With CD) E Turban, D Leidner, E McLean, J Wetherbe John Wiley & Sons, 2008 | 5132* | 2008 |
Measuring information systems success: models, dimensions, measures, and interrelationships S Petter, W DeLone, E McLean European journal of information systems 17 (3), 236-263, 2008 | 3266 | 2008 |
Measuring e-commerce success: Applying the DeLone & McLean information systems success model WH DeLone, ER McLean International Journal of electronic commerce 9 (1), 31-47, 2004 | 2646 | 2004 |
Information systems success: The quest for the independent variables S Petter, W DeLone, ER McLean Journal of management information systems 29 (4), 7-62, 2013 | 1332 | 2013 |
Information systems success revisited WH DeLone, ER McLean Proceedings of the 35th annual Hawaii international conference on system …, 2002 | 1274 | 2002 |
A meta-analytic assessment of the DeLone and McLean IS success model: An examination of IS success at the individual level S Petter, ER McLean Information & Management 46 (3), 159-166, 2009 | 1128 | 2009 |
Information systems success measurement WH DeLone, ER McLean Foundations and Trends® in Information Systems 2 (1), 1-116, 2016 | 1019 | 2016 |
Tecnologia da Informação para Gestão-: Transformando os Negócios na Economia Digital E Turban, D Leidner, E Mclean, J Wetherbe Bookman, 2010 | 862 | 2010 |
Expertise integration and creativity in information systems development A Tiwana, ER McLean Journal of management information systems 22 (1), 13-43, 2005 | 806 | 2005 |
Strategic Planning for MIS ER McLean John Wiley, 1977 | 469 | 1977 |
The past, present, and future of “IS success” S Petter, W DeLone, ER McLean Journal of the Association for Information Systems 13 (5), 2, 2012 | 403 | 2012 |
Computer-mediated communication and majority influence: Assessing the impact in an individualistic and a collectivistic culture BCY Tan, KK Wei, RT Watson, DL Clapper, ER McLean Management Science 44 (9), 1263-1278, 1998 | 331 | 1998 |
Theoretical perspectives in IS research: from variance and process to conceptual latitude and conceptual fit A Burton-Jones, ER McLean, E Monod European journal of information systems 24 (6), 664-679, 2015 | 270 | 2015 |
End users as application developers ER McLean MIS quarterly, 37-46, 1979 | 237 | 1979 |
Enterprise resource planning and organizational knowledge: patterns of convergence and divergence R Baskerville, S Pawlowski, E McLean ICIS 2000 Proceedings, 36, 2000 | 193* | 2000 |
The 2014 SIM IT key issues and trends study. LA Kappelman, ER McLean, V Johnson, N Gerhart MIS Q. Executive 13 (4), 7, 2014 | 191 | 2014 |
The 2018 SIM IT Issues and Trends Study. L Kappelman, R Torres, E McLean, C Maurer, V Johnson, K Kim MIS Quarterly Executive 18 (1), 2019 | 172 | 2019 |
Key issues of IT organizations and their leadership: The 2013 SIM IT trends study. L Kappelman, E McLean, J Luftman, V Johnson MIS Quarterly Executive 12 (4), 2013 | 163 | 2013 |