Corne Postma
Corne Postma
Associate Professor: Dental Management Sciences, University of Pretoria
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Socio‐demographic correlates of early childhood caries prevalence and severity in a developing country‐South Africa
TC Postma, OA Ayo‐Yusuf, PJ Wyk
International Dental Journal 58 (2), 91-97, 2008
Retrospective analysis of etiology and comorbid diseases associated with Ludwig's Angina
A Botha, F Jacobs, C Postma
Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery 5 (2), 168-173, 2015
The prevalence of second canals in the mesiobuccal root of maxillary molars: A cone beam computed tomography study
NA Fernandes, D Herbst, TC Postma, BK Bunn
Australian Endodontic Journal 45 (1), 46-50, 2019
Developing clinical reasoning in the classroom–analysis of the 4C/ID‐model
TC Postma, JG White
European Journal of Dental Education 19 (2), 74-80, 2015
Developing integrated clinical reasoning competencies in dental students using scaffolded case‐based learning–empirical evidence
TC Postma, JG White
European Journal of Dental Education 20 (3), 180-188, 2016
Musculoskeletal disorders amongst practising South African oral hygienists
SJ Booyens, PJ Van Wyk, TC Postma
SADJ 64 (9), 400-3, 2009
Proceedings: 9th World Congress on Preventive Dentistry (WCPD)“Community Participation and Global Alliances for Lifelong Oral Health for All,” Phuket, Thailand, September 7—10 …
J Clarkson, RG Watt, AJ Rugg-Gunn, W Pitiphat, RL Ettinger, AM Horowitz, ...
Advances in dental research 22 (1), 2-30, 2010
Students' perceptions of vertical and horizontal integration in a discipline-based dental school.
TC Postma, JG White
European Journal of Dental Education 21 (2), 101-107, 2017
South African Dental Students' Perceptions of Most Important Nonclinical Skills According to Medical Leadership Competency Framework.
SE Van der Berg-Cloete, L Snyman, TC Postma, JG White
Journal of Dental Education 80 (11), 1357-1367, 2016
An analysis of complaints against oral health professionals charged with misconduct at the HPCSA: 2004-2009: scientific
TC Postma, PJ Van Wyk, JH Heymans, JG White, PM Prinsloo
South African Dental Journal 66 (9), 420-425, 2011
Is the human papillomavirus a mutual aetiological agent in oral and cervical squamous cell carcinoma?
TC Postma, WF Van Heerden
Anticancer research 23 (4), 3509-3512, 2003
Screening tools to prioritize routine dental care in an institutional environment
TC Postma
Military medicine 172 (12), 1287-1292, 2007
Second-year dental students’ perceptions about a joint basic science curriculum
TC Postma, L Bronkhorst
African Journal of Health Professions Education 7 (2), 199-201, 2015
Buccal and palatal alveolar bone dimensions in the anterior maxilla: A micro‐CT study
VS Todorovic, TC Postma, J Hoffman, AW van Zyl
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 25 (2), 261-270, 2023
Assessment of the anterior loop of the inferior alveolar nerve using reformatted computed tomography: A retrospective study
VS Todorovic, TC Postma, AW Van Zyl
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 56 (3), 186-191, 2018
Developing students’ clinical reasoning skills: correlates of perceived relevance of two teaching and learning approaches
TC Postma, JG White
European Journal of Dental Education 21 (1), 52-57, 2017
Dental students’ perceptions of practice management and their career aspirations
SE Van der Berg-Cloete, L Snyman, TC Postma, JG White
African Journal of Health Professions Education 7 (2), 194-198, 2015
Clinical correlates of oral malodour in a population of patients attending a preventiveclinic in Pretoria, South Africa: scientific
OA Ayo-Yusuf, TC Postma, C Van Wyk
South African Dental Journal 66 (7), 326-331, 2011
Socio‐demographic and academic correlates of clinical reasoning in a dental school in South Africa
TC Postma, JG White
European Journal of Dental Education 21 (1), 58-65., 2017
Evaluating the impact of adjunctive integrated case-based dental teaching and learning on clinical reasoning in a discipline-based teaching and learning environment
TC Postma
University of Pretoria, 2014
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Articles 1–20