Samsul Haimi Dahlan
Samsul Haimi Dahlan
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia (FKEE, UTHM)
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Cited by
Compact and low-profile textile EBG-based antenna for wearable medical applications
AYI Ashyap, ZZ Abidin, SH Dahlan, HA Majid, SM Shah, MR Kamarudin, ...
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 16, 2550-2553, 2017
Highly efficient wearable CPW antenna enabled by EBG-FSS structure for medical body area network applications
AYI Ashyap, ZZ Abidin, SH Dahlan, HA Majid, MR Kamarudin, A Alomainy, ...
IEEE Access 6, 77529-77541, 2018
An overview of electromagnetic band-gap integrated wearable antennas
AYI Ashyap, SHB Dahlan, ZZ Abidin, MI Abbasi, MR Kamarudin, HA Majid, ...
IEEE Access 8, 7641-7658, 2020
Inverted E-shaped wearable textile antenna for medical applications
AYI Ashyap, ZZ Abidin, SH Dahlan, HA Majid, AMA Waddah, ...
IEEE access 6, 35214-35222, 2018
Robust and efficient integrated antenna with EBG-DGS enabled wide bandwidth for wearable medical device applications
AYI Ashyap, SHB Dahlan, ZZ Abidin, MH Dahri, HA Majid, MR Kamarudin, ...
IEEE Access 8, 56346-56358, 2020
Metamaterial inspired fabric antenna for wearable applications
AYI Ashyap, Z Zainal Abidin, SH Dahlan, HA Majid, G Saleh
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering 29 (3 …, 2019
Steerable higher order mode dielectric resonator antenna with parasitic elements for 5G applications
NH Shahadan, MH Jamaluddin, MR Kamarudin, Y Yamada, M Khalily, ...
IEEE access 5, 22234-22243, 2017
Fully fabric high impedance surface-enabled antenna for wearable medical applications
AYI Ashyap, SHB Dahlan, ZZ Abidin, SKA Rahim, HA Majid, ...
IEEE Access 9, 6948-6960, 2021
Reconfigurable metamaterial structure for 5G beam tilting antenna applications
BAF Esmail, HA Majid, SH Dahlan, Z Zainal Abidin, M Himdi, R Dewan, ...
Waves in Random and Complex Media 31 (6), 2089-2102, 2021
Robust low-profile electromagnetic band-gap-based on textile wearable antennas for medical application
AYI Ashyap, ZZ Abidin, SH Dahlan, HA Majid, MR Kamarudin, ...
2017 International Workshop on Antenna Technology: Small Antennas …, 2017
Substrate integrated waveguide cavity backed frequency reconfigurable antenna for cognitive radio applies to internet of things applications
N AL‐Fadhali, HA Majid, R Omar, SH Dahlan, AYI Ashyap, SM Shah, ...
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering 30 (1 …, 2020
Compressive and shear wave velocity profiles using seismic refraction technique
M Aziman, ZAM Hazreek, ATS Azhar, DS Haimi
Journal of physics: Conference series 710 (1), 012011, 2016
Planar antenna beam deflection using low‐loss metamaterial for future 5G applications
BAF Esmail, HB Majid, SH Dahlan, ZZ Abidin, MKA Rahim, M Jusoh
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering 29 (10 …, 2019
Reconfigurable radiation pattern of planar antenna using metamaterial for 5G applications
B Ali Esmail, HA Majid, Z Zainal Abidin, S Haimi Dahlan, M Himdi, ...
Materials 13 (3), 582, 2020
Performance evaluation of a star-shaped patch antenna on polyimide film under various bending conditions for wearable applications
FC Seman, F Ramadhan, NS Ishak, R Yuwono, ZZ Abidin, SH Dahlan, ...
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters 85, 125-130, 2019
A compact wearable antenna using EBG for smart-watch applications
AYI Ashyap, ZZ Abidin, SH Dahlan, HA Majid, FC Seman
2018 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), 1477-1479, 2018
Microstrip defected ground structure for determination of blood glucose concentration
SK Yee, SCJ Lim, PS Pong, SH Dahlan
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C 99, 35-48, 2020
Flexible wearable antenna on electromagnetic band gap using PDMS substrate
AYI Ashap, ZZ Abidin, SH Dahlan, HA Majid, SK Yee, G Saleh, NA Malek
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 15 (3 …, 2017
Acidic barren slope profiling using electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) at Ayer Hitam area Johor, Malaysia
ATS Azhar, ZAM Hazreek, M Aziman, DS Haimi, ZM Hafiz
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 710 (1), 012008, 2016
Real-time bus location and arrival information system
BYO Low, SH Dahlan, MH Abd Wahab
2016 IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensors (ICWiSE), 50-53, 2016
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Articles 1–20