Conrado Diego García-Gómez
Conrado Diego García-Gómez
Associate Professor of Finance - University of Valladolid / Researcher - CEF University of Porto
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Economic policy uncertainty and corporate investment: Evidence from the US hospitality industry
S Akron, E Demir, JM Díez-Esteban, CD García-Gómez
Tourism Management 77, 104019, 2020
The impact of policy responses to COVID-19 on US travel and leisure companies
MH Chen, E Demir, CD García-Gómez, A Zaremba
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 1 (1), 100003, 2020
Are religion and culture relevant for corporate risk-taking? International evidence
JM Díez-Esteban, JB Farinha, CD García-Gómez
BRQ Business Research Quarterly 22 (1), 36-55, 2019
The impact of geopolitical risks on cash holdings of hospitality companies: Evidence from emerging countries
E Demir, JM Díez-Esteban, CD García-Gómez
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 39, 166-174, 2019
The asymmetric effect of bitcoin on altcoins: evidence from the nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) model
E Demir, S Simonyan, CD García-Gómez, CKM Lau
Finance Research Letters 40, 101754, 2021
The impact of COVID-19 outbreak on hotels’ value compared to previous diseases: the role of ALFO strategy
CD García-Gómez, E Demir, JM Díez-Esteban, Y Bilan
Heliyon 7 (8), 2021
Corporate risk-taking, returns and the nature of major shareholders: Evidence from prospect theory
JM Díez-Esteban, CD García-Gómez, FJ López-Iturriaga, ...
Research in International Business and Finance 42, 900-911, 2017
Understanding the effects of economic policy uncertainty on US tourism firms’ performance
CD García-Gómez, E Demir, MH Chen, JM Díez-Esteban
Tourism Economics 28 (5), 1174-1192, 2022
How does national culture affect corporate risk-taking?
JM Díez-Esteban, JB Farinha, CD García-Gómez
Eurasian Business Review 9, 49-68, 2019
The role of institutional investors in propagating the 2007 financial crisis in Southern Europe
JM Díez-Esteban, JB Farinha, CD García-Gómez
Research in International Business and Finance 38, 439-454, 2016
How does uncertainty affect corporate investment inefficiency? Evidence from Europe
S Akron, E Demir, JM Díez-Esteban, CD García-Gómez
Research in International Business and Finance 62, 101752, 2022
Does board composition and ownership structure affect banks’ systemic risk? European evidence
Díez-Esteban J.M., Farinha J.B., García-Gómez C.D., Mateus C.
Journal of Banking Regulation, 2021
Corporate risk taking and financial crisis: The role of institutional investors
O Gomez
Transformations in Business & Economics 13 (1), 31, 2014
International evidence about the influence of large shareholders on corporate risk taking
JM Díez Esteban, CD García-Gómez, FJ López-Iturriaga
Forthcoming in Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad (Spanish …, 2013
Investment inefficiency in the hospitality industry: The role of economic policy uncertainty
CD García-Gómez, E Demir, JM Díez-Esteban, B Popesko
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 54, 383-391, 2023
Leverage and performance: The case of the US hospitality industry
CD García-Gómez, MH Bilgin, E Demir, JM Díez-Esteban, ...
Quantitative Finance and Economics 5 (2), 228-246, 2021
Corruption, national culture and corporate investment: European evidence
CD García-Gómez, E Demir, JM Díez-Esteban, E Lizarzaburu Bolaños
The European Journal of Finance 30 (4), 411-429, 2024
CSR in Education on Business Confidence: Mediation Effect of Corporate Reputation in the Peruvian Banking Sector
EL Bolaños, J Del Brío, CD García-Gómez
Sustainability 14 (2), 833, 2022
Formal institutions, ICSID arbitration and firm performance: evidence from Latin America
S Enriquez-Perales, CD García-Gómez, JM Díez-Esteban, ERL Bolaños
Eurasian Business Review 13 (2), 429-464, 2023
Do CEO characteristics matter for corporate risk taking? Evidence from Russia
CD García-Gómez, M Zavertiaeva, FJ López Iturriaga
Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society 23 (5 …, 2023
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