Sarah Honeychurch
Cited by
Cited by
Speculative futures on ChatGPT and generative artificial intelligence (AI): A collective reflection from the educational landscape
A Bozkurt, X Junhong, S Lambert, A Pazurek, H Crompton, S Koseoglu, ...
Asian Journal of Distance Education 18 (1), 53-130, 2023
On lurking: Multiple perspectives on lurking within an educational community
A Bozkurt, A Koutropoulos, L Singh, S Honeychurch
The Internet and Higher Education 44, 100709, 2020
Learners on the periphery: lurkers as invisible learners
S Honeychurch, A Bozkurt, L Singh, A Koutropoulos
European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning 20 (1), 192-212, 2017
Community tracking in a cMOOC and nomadic learner behavior identification on a connectivist rhizomatic learning network
A Bozkurt, S Honeychurch, A Caınes, M Balı, A Koutropoulos, D Cormıer
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 17 (4), 2016
Writing the unreadable untext: A collaborative autoethnography of# rhizo14
K Hamon, RJ Hogue, S Honeychurch, S Johnson, A Koutropoulos, ...
Hybrid Pedagogy, 2015
Massive open online courses as affinity spaces for connected learning: Exploring effective learning interactions in one massive online community
S Honeychurch, F Patrick
Research in Comparative and International Education 13 (1), 117-134, 2018
What is it like to learn and participate in Rhizomatic MOOCs? A collaborative autoethnography of# RHIZO14
M Bali, S Honeychurch, K Hamon, RJ Hogue, A Koutropoulos
Current Issues in Emerging eLearning 3 (1), 2016
Taking forward the jigsaw classroom: the development and implementation of a method of collaborative learning for first year philosophy tutorials
S Honeychurch, S Draper
Discourse 11 (2), 40-52, 2012
How the community became more than the curriculum: participant experiences in# RHIZO14
S Honeychurch, B Stewart, M Bali, RJ Hogue, D Cormier
Current Issues in Emerging eLearning 3 (1), 2016
Peer assessment assisted by technology
S Honeychurch, N Barr, C Brown, J Hamer
International Journal of e-Assessment 3 (1), 2013
A first briefing on MOOCs
S Honeychurch, S Draper
University of Glasgow, 2013
Key pedagogic thinkers-Dave Cormier
M Bali, S Honeychurch
Journal of Pedagogic Development 4 (3), 2014
Using social media to promote deep learning and increase student engagement
S Honeychurch, S Ahmed
Using social media to promote deep learning and increase student engagement in the College of Science & Engineering
S Ahmed, S Honeychurch
IMA International Conference on Barriers and Enablers to Learning Maths …, 2015
Learners’ differences in blended learner-centric approach for a common programming subject
Q Cao, CK Seow, LHI Lim, SL Keoh, V Dale, S Honeychurch, N Tasler, ...
International Journal of Information and Education Technology 13 (6), 906-913, 2023
Developing a school-wide framework for blended and online learning and teaching (BOLT)
S Honeychurch, M Offord
Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice 9 (2), 109-117, 2021
Lines of Flight: The Digital Fragmenting of Educational Networks
A Koutropoulos, B Stewart, L Singh, S Sinfield, T Burns, S Abegglen, ...
Journal of Interactive Media in Education 2024 (1), 1, 2024
RLT 30 YEARS Research in Learning Technology: making friends and influencing people
J Brunton, L Bennett, L Drumm, M Flavin, S Honeychurch, S Thomson, ...
Research in Learning Technology 31, 2023
Lines of thought: The emergence of meaning through collaborations and remix
S Honeychurch, W Taleo
ASCILITE Publications, 172-176, 2021
The emergence of participatory learning: authenticity, serendipity and creative playfulness
SL Honeychurch
University of Glasgow, 2021
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Articles 1–20