Zoe Pearson
Zoe Pearson
Associate Professor, University of Wyoming
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Cited by
Drug Policy as Conservation Policy: Narco-Deforestation
K McSweeney, EA Nielsen, MJ Taylor, DJ Wrathall, Z Pearson, O Wang, ...
Science 343 (6170), 489-490, 2014
Why do narcos invest in rural land?
K McSweeney, N Richani, Z Pearson, J Devine, DJ Wrathall
Journal of Latin American Geography, 3-29, 2017
Modeling cocaine traffickers and counterdrug interdiction forces as a complex adaptive system
NR Magliocca, K McSweeney, SE Sesnie, E Tellman, JA Devine, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (16), 7784-7792, 2019
The impacts of cocaine-trafficking on conservation governance in Central America
DJ Wrathall, J Devine, B Aguilar-González, K Benessaiah, E Tellman, ...
Global Environmental Change 63, 102098, 2020
Grounding traffic: The cocaine commodity chain and land grabbing in eastern Honduras
K McSweeney, DJ Wrathall, EA Nielsen, Z Pearson
Geoforum 95, 122-132, 2018
Corporate social responsibility and the reproduction of (neo) colonialism in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Z Pearson, S Ellingrod, E Billo, K McSweeney
The Extractive Industries and Society 6 (3), 881-888, 2019
Prying native people from native lands: Narco business in Honduras
K McSweeney, Z Pearson
NACLA Report on the Americas 46 (4), 7-12, 2013
The Challenge of Feminist Political Geography to State-Centrism in Latin American Geography
Z Pearson, NJ Crane
Journal of Latin American Geography 16 (1), 185-193, 2017
Bolivia, coca, culture and colonialism
Z Pearson
Research handbook on international drug policy, 283-300, 2020
“Coca got us here and now it's our weakness:” Fusarium oxysporum and the political ecology of a drug war policy alternative in Bolivia
Z Pearson
International Journal of Drug Policy 33, 88-95, 2016
Vaccines, fertility, and power: The political ecology of indigenous health and well-being in lowland Latin America
K McSweeney, Z Pearson
Ecologies and Politics of Health, 139-158, 2013
Can we get a pub from this? Reflections on competition and the pressure to publish while in graduate school
NJ Crane, Z Pearson
The Geographical Bulletin 52 (2), 77-80, 2011
Waorani at the head of the table: towards inclusive conservation in Yasuní
K McSweeney, Z Pearson
Environmental Research Letters 4 (3), 031001, 2009
Coca Sí, Cocaína No? The intimate politics of international drug control policy and reform in Bolivia
Z Pearson
The Ohio State University, 2016
Acknowledging Cocaine Capital in Central American Development
Z Pearson, A Skiba, K McSweeney, E Nielsen, J Piccorelli
Journal of Illicit Economies and Development 4 (2), 2022
Environmental Security in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Waorani, Oil and Environment
Z Pearson
The Ohio State University, 2010
“Liberation” as a political horizon amidst the coronavirus pandemic in the United States
NJ Crane, Z Pearson
Human Geography 13 (3), 314-317, 2020
Drugs’ Place in Latin America’s Geographies
K Mathewson, Z Pearson
Placing Latin America: Contemporary Themes in Geography, 175, 2020
Miners, Material History, Method, and the MAS
Z Pearson
Journal of Latin American Geography 23 (2), 166-169, 2024
Producing Nature: Where Biophysical Materialities Meet Social Dynamics
C Biermann, J Law, Z Pearson
Doing Political Ecology, 28-45, 2024
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Articles 1–20