Adeyemi (Yemi) Adebiyi
Adeyemi (Yemi) Adebiyi
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Contribution of the world's main dust source regions to the global cycle of desert dust
JF Kok, AA Adebiyi, S Albani, Y Balkanski, R Checa-Garcia, M Chin, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (10), 8169-8193, 2021
Climate models miss most of the coarse dust in the atmosphere
AA Adebiyi, JF Kok
Science advances 6 (15), eaaz9507, 2020
Mineral dust aerosol impacts on global climate and climate change
JF Kok, T Storelvmo, VA Karydis, AA Adebiyi, NM Mahowald, AT Evan, ...
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 4 (2), 71-86, 2023
The convolution of dynamics and moisture with the presence of shortwave absorbing aerosols over the southeast Atlantic
AA Adebiyi, P Zuidema, SJ Abel
Journal of Climate 28 (5), 1997-2024, 2015
The role of the southern African easterly jet in modifying the southeast Atlantic aerosol and cloud environments
AA Adebiyi, P Zuidema
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 142 (697), 1574-1589, 2016
Improved representation of the global dust cycle using observational constraints on dust properties and abundance
JF Kok, AA Adebiyi, S Albani, Y Balkanski, R Checa-Garcia, M Chin, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 2020, 1-45, 2020
Climate models and remote sensing retrievals neglect substantial desert dust asphericity
Y Huang, JF Kok, K Kandler, H Lindqvist, T Nousiainen, T Sakai, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (6), e2019GL086592, 2020
A review of coarse mineral dust in the Earth system
A Adebiyi, JF Kok, BJ Murray, CL Ryder, JBW Stuut, RA Kahn, P Knippertz, ...
Aeolian Research 60, 100849, 2023
Low cloud cover sensitivity to biomass-burning aerosols and meteorology over the southeast Atlantic
AA Adebiyi, P Zuidema
Journal of Climate 31 (11), 4329-4346, 2018
Linking the different diameter types of aspherical desert dust indicates that models underestimate coarse dust emission
Y Huang, AA Adebiyi, P Formenti, JF Kok
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (6), e2020GL092054, 2021
The role of the southern African easterly jet in modifying the southeast Atlantic aerosol and cloud environments, QJ Roy. Meteor. Soc., 142, 1574–1589
AA Adebiyi, P Zuidema
Dust Constraints from joint Observational-Modelling-experiMental analysis (DustCOMM): comparison with measurements and model simulations
AA Adebiyi, JF Kok, Y Wang, A Ito, DA Ridley, P Nabat, C Zhao
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (2), 829-863, 2020
Mid-level clouds are frequent above the southeast Atlantic stratocumulus clouds
AA Adebiyi, P Zuidema, I Chang, SP Burton, B Cairns
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (18), 11025-11043, 2020
A review of coarse mineral dust in the Earth system, Aeolian Res., 60, 100849
A Adebiyi, JF Kok, BJ Murray, CL Ryder, JBW Stuut, RA Kahn, P Knippertz, ...
Improved parameterization for the size distribution of emitted dust aerosols reduces model underestimation of super coarse dust
J Meng, Y Huang, DM Leung, L Li, AA Adebiyi, CL Ryder, NM Mahowald, ...
Geophysical research letters 49 (8), e2021GL097287, 2022
Using CloudSat cloud retrievals to differentiate satellite-derived rainfall products over West Africa
AM Tompkins, AA Adebiyi
Journal of Hydrometeorology 13 (6), 1810-1816, 2012
Less atmospheric radiative heating by dust due to the synergy of coarser size and aspherical shape
A Ito, AA Adebiyi, Y Huang, JF Kok
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (22), 16869-16891, 2021
Observations suggest that North African dust absorbs less solar radiation than models estimate
AA Adebiyi, Y Huang, BH Samset, JF Kok
Communications Earth & Environment 4 (1), 168, 2023
Less atmospheric radiative heating due to aspherical dust with coarser size
A Ito, AA Adebiyi, Y Huang, JF Kok
Projected regional changes in mean and extreme precipitation over Africa in CMIP6 models
V Bobde, AA Akinsanola, AH Folorunsho, AA Adebiyi, OE Adeyeri
Environmental Research Letters, 2024
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Articles 1–20