Marine Wojcieszak
Marine Wojcieszak
Research fellow at Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (Belgium) & Research associate at
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New Excavations at Border Cave, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
LW Lucinda R. Backwell, Francesco d’Errico, William E. Banks, Paloma de la ...
Journal of field archaeology, 2018
Fire and grass-bedding construction 200 thousand years ago at Border Cave, South Africa
L Wadley, I Esteban, P de La Peña, M Wojcieszak, D Stratford, S Lennox, ...
Science 369 (6505), 863-866, 2020
Water dependent structural changes of silk from Bombyx mori gland to fibre as evidenced by Raman and IR spectroscopies
A Percot, P Colomban, C Paris, HM Dinh, M Wojcieszak, B Mauchamp
Vibrational Spectroscopy 73, 79-89, 2014
Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy confirm ochre residues on 71 000-year-old bifacial tools from Sibudu, South Africa
M Wojcieszak, L Wadley
Archaeometry 60 (5), 1062-76, 2018
Pretreatment protocols performed at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (RICH) prior to AMS 14C measurements
M Wojcieszak, T Van den Brande, G Ligovich, M Boudin
Radiocarbon 62 (5), e14-e24, 2020
A Raman micro-spectroscopy study of 77,000 to 71,000 year old ochre processing tools from Sibudu, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
M Wojcieszak, L Wadley
Heritage Science 7 (1), 24, 2019
Origin of the variability of the mechanical properties of silk fibers: 4. Order/crystallinity along silkworm and spider fibers
M Wojcieszak, A Percot, S Noinville, G Gouadec, B Mauchamp, ...
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 45 (10), 895-902, 2014
Beads and bead residues as windows to past behaviours and taphonomy: a case study from Grassridge Rockshelter, Eastern Cape, South Africa
B Collins, M Wojcieszak, A Nowell, T Hodgskiss, CJH Ames
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12 (8), 192, 2020
Regenerated silk matrix composite materials reinforced by silk fibres: Relationship between processing and mechanical properties
M Wojcieszak, A Percot, P Colomban
Journal of Composite Materials 52 (17), 2301-2311, 2018
Material processed with 58,000-year-old grindstones from Sibudu (KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) identified by means of Raman microspectroscopy
M Wojcieszak
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 49 (8), 830-841, 2018
Chapter 41: Finding Chemical and physical evidence of heat treatment of ochre by using non-destructive methods: a preliminary study
LW M. Wojcieszak, T. Hodgskiss, Ph. Colomban
Raw materials exploitation in Prehistory: Sourcing, Processing and …, 2017
Geoarchaeology and zooarchaeology of Border Cave, South Africa: initial multiproxy considerations of stratigraphy and site formation processes from the Backwell et al. excavations
D Stratford, JL Clark, M Wojcieszak, L Wadley, F D’errico, P de la Peña, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 291, 107618, 2022
Sungir revisited: new data on chronology and stratigraphy of the key Upper Paleolithic site, central Russian Plain
YV Kuzmin, M Boudin, M Wojcieszak, A Zazzo, L van der Sluis, DI Stulova, ...
Radiocarbon 64 (5), 949-968, 2022
The effect of heat on keratin and implications for the archaeological record
L Backwell, M Wojcieszak, L Wadley
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12 (8), 181, 2020
Micromechanics of fresh and 30-year-old Nephila inaurata madagascariensis dragline silk
M Wojcieszak, G Gouadec, A Percot, P Colomban
Journal of Materials Science 52, 11759-11773, 2017
Evidence for large land snail cooking and consumption at Border Cave c. 170–70 ka ago. Implications for the evolution of human diet and social behaviour
M Wojcieszak, L Backwell, F d’Errico, L Wadley
Quaternary Science Reviews 306, 108030, 2023
La soie,«modèle» de polymères naturels fibreux: analyse vibrationnelle et nano/micromécanique, de la fibre au composite.
M Wojcieszak
Was yellow lead chromate pigment used during Middle Stone Age at Sibudu rock shelter (South Africa)?
M Wojcieszak, L Wadley, L Prinsloo
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 50 (11), 1712-1721, 2019
Radiocarbon Dating of Asian Lacquers: Molecular Characterization and Assessment of a Pretreatment Method Prior to Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
M Wojcieszak, J Veenhoven, T Van den Brande, S Saverwyns, F Lynen, ...
Radiocarbon 65 (5), 1193-1212, 2023
Composites fibre de soie/matrice de soie régénérée
M Wojcieszak
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Articles 1–20