Yungui Gong
Yungui Gong
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TianQin: a space-borne gravitational wave detector
J Luo, LS Chen, HZ Duan, YG Gong, S Hu, J Ji, Q Liu, J Mei, V Milyukov, ...
Classical and Quantum Gravity 33 (3), 035010, 2016
Transition of the dark energy equation of state in an interacting holographic dark energy model
B Wang, Y Gong, E Abdalla
Physics Letters B 624 (3-4), 141-146, 2005
Thermodynamics of an accelerated expanding universe
B Wang, Y Gong, E Abdalla
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 74 (8), 083520, 2006
Supernova constraints on a holographic dark energy model
QG Huang, Y Gong
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2004 (08), 006, 2004
Reconstruction of the deceleration parameter and the equation of state of dark energy
Y Gong, A Wang
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 75 (4), 043520, 2007
Extended holographic dark energy
Y Gong
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 70 (6), 064029, 2004
Friedmann equations and thermodynamics of apparent horizons
Y Gong, A Wang
Physical Review Letters 99 (21), 211301, 2007
The TianQin project: Current progress on science and technology
J Mei, YZ Bai, J Bao, E Barausse, L Cai, E Canuto, B Cao, WM Chen, ...
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2021 (5), 05A107, 2021
Concepts and status of Chinese space gravitational wave detection projects
Y Gong, J Luo, B Wang
Nature Astronomy 5 (9), 881-889, 2021
Primordial black holes and second order gravitational waves from ultra-slow-roll inflation
H Di, Y Gong
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2018 (07), 007, 2018
Testing the viability of the interacting holographic dark energy model by using combined observational constraints
C Feng, B Wang, Y Gong, RK Su
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2007 (09), 005, 2007
Phase-space analysis of interacting phantom cosmology
X Chen, Y Gong, EN Saridakis
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2009 (04), 001, 2009
Primordial black holes and secondary gravitational waves from and inflation
J Lin, Q Gao, Y Gong, Y Lu, C Zhang, F Zhang
Physical Review D 101 (10), 103515, 2020
Model-independent analysis of dark energy: supernova fitting result
Y Gong
Classical and Quantum Gravity 22 (11), 2121, 2005
Growth factor parametrization and modified gravity
Y Gong
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 78 (12), 123010, 2008
The generalized second law of thermodynamics in the accelerating universe
J Zhou, B Wang, Y Gong, E Abdalla
Physics Letters B 652 (2-3), 86-91, 2007
Polarizations of gravitational waves in gravity
D Liang, Y Gong, S Hou, Y Liu
Physical Review D 95 (10), 104034, 2017
Holographic dark energy reexamined
Y Gong, B Wang, YZ Zhang
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 72 (4), 043510, 2005
Thermodynamical properties of the Universe with dark energy
Y Gong, B Wang, A Wang
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2007 (01), 024, 2007
Notes on f (T) theories
Y Zhang, H Li, Y Gong, ZH Zhu
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2011 (07), 015, 2011
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Articles 1–20