Maurisan Alves Lino
Maurisan Alves Lino
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Cited by
Substrate effects on the exciton fine structure of black phosphorus quantum dots
JS De Sousa, MA Lino, DR Da Costa, A Chaves, JM Pereira Jr, GA Farias
Physical Review B 96 (3), 035122, 2017
Porous nanotubes and fullerenes based on covalent organic frameworks
MA Lino, AA Lino, MSC Mazzoni
Chemical Physics Letters 449 (1-3), 171-174, 2007
Charging energy spectrum of black phosphorus quantum dots
MA Lino, JS De Sousa, DR Da Costa, A Chaves, JM Pereira, GA Farias
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (30), 305103, 2017
Conditions for the occurrence of Coulomb blockade in phosphorene quantum dots at room temperature
HA Melo, DR Da Costa, A Chaves, JM Pereira Jr, GA Farias, JS De Sousa, ...
Physical Review B 98 (11), 115438, 2018
Excitonic gaps and exciton binding energies in multilayer phosphorene quantum dots
MA Lino, JS de Sousa, DR da Costa, A Chaves, JM Pereira Jr, GA Farias
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.00512, 2017
Magnetismo em nanocristais dopados com impurezas não magnéticas e propriedades estruturais, eletrônicas e ópticas de pontos quânticos de fósforo negro
MA Lino
Nanoestruturas formadas por redes orgânicas covalentes
MA Lino
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2007
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Articles 1–7