Patrick Holthaus
Patrick Holthaus
University of Hertfordshire, Physics, Engineering and Computer Science, Robotics Research Group
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Cited by
Towards a typology of meaningful signals and cues in social robotics
F Hegel, S Gieselmann, A Peters, P Holthaus, B Wrede
2011 RO-MAN, 72-78, 2011
How Can I Help? - Spatial Attention Strategies for a Receptionist Robot
P Holthaus, K Pitsch, S Wachsmuth
International Journal of Social Robotics 3 (4), 383-393, 2011
Getting to know Pepper: Effects of people's awareness of a robot's capabilities on their trust in the robot
A Rossi, P Holthaus, K Dautenhahn, KL Koay, ML Walters
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on human-agent interaction …, 2018
How to address smart homes with a social robot? A multi-modal corpus of user interactions with an intelligent environment
P Holthaus, C Leichsenring, J Bernotat, V Richter, M Pohling, ...
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
Evaluating people’s perceptions of trust in a robot in a repeated interactions study
A Rossi, K Dautenhahn, KL Koay, ML Walters, P Holthaus
International Conference on Social Robotics, 453-465, 2020
The cognitive service robotics apartment: A versatile environment for human–machine interaction research
S Wrede, C Leichsenring, P Holthaus, T Hermann, S Wachsmuth, ...
KI-Künstliche Intelligenz 31, 299-304, 2017
It was a Pleasure Meeting You - Towards a Holistic Model of Human-Robot Encounters
P Holthaus, S Wachsmuth
International Journal of Social Robotics 13 (7), 1729-1745, 2021
Welcome to the future–How naïve users intuitively address an intelligent robotics apartment
J Bernotat, B Schiffhauer, F Eyssel, P Holthaus, C Leichsenring, V Richter, ...
Social Robotics: 8th International Conference, ICSR 2016, Kansas City, MO …, 2016
Movement acts in breakdown situations: How a robot's recovery procedure affects participants' opinions
T Schulz, R Soma, P Holthaus
Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics 12 (1), 336-355, 2021
The Receptionist Robot
P Holthaus, S Wachsmuth
International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 329, 2014
Can I Help You? - A Spatial Attention System for a Receptionist Robot
P Holthaus, I Lütkebohle, M Hanheide, S Wachsmuth
Social Robotics, 325-334, 2010
Differences of human perceptions of a robot moving using linear or slow in, slow out velocity profiles when performing a cleaning task
T Schulz, P Holthaus, F Amirabdollahian, KL Koay, J Torresen, J Herstad
2019 28th IEEE international conference on robot and human interactive …, 2019
Humans' perception of a robot moving using a slow in and slow out velocity profile
T Schulz, P Holthaus, F Amirabdollahian, KL Koay
2019 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2019
Active Peripersonal Space for More Intuitive HRI
P Holthaus, S Wachsmuth
International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 508-513, 2012
Towards a typology of meaningful signals and cues in social robotics. In 2011 RO-MAN. 72–78
F Hegel, S Gieselmann, A Peters, P Holthaus, B Wrede
Communicative robot signals: presenting a new typology for human-robot interaction
P Holthaus, T Schulz, G Lakatos, R Soma
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot …, 2023
Continual Learning Through Human-Robot Interaction: Human Perceptions of a Continual Learning Robot in Repeated Interactions
A Ayub, Z De Francesco, P Holthaus, CL Nehaniv, K Dautenhahn
International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-20, 2025
Trust, acceptance and social cues in human–robot interaction (SCRITA)
A Rossi, P Holthaus, G Perugia, S Moros, M Scheunemann
International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-2, 2021
How a Robot’s Social Credibility Affects Safety Performance
P Holthaus, C Menon, F Amirabdollahian
International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2019), 2019
Rhm: Robot house multi-view human activity recognition dataset
M Bamorovat Abadi, MR Shahabian Alashti, P Holthaus, C Menon, ...
ACHI 2023: The Sixteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer …, 2023
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Articles 1–20