Elmien (WJ) du Plessis
Cited by
Cited by
Evidence that Austropuccinia psidii may complete its sexual life cycle on Myrtaceae
AR McTaggart, LS Shuey, GM Granados, E Du Plessis, S Fraser, I Barnes, ...
Plant Pathology 67 (3), 729-734, 2018
The pandemic strain of Austropuccinia psidii causes myrtle rust in New Zealand and Singapore
E Du Plessis, GM Granados, I Barnes, WH Ho, BJR Alexander, J Roux, ...
Australasian Plant Pathology 48, 253-256, 2019
Compensation for Expropriation under the Constitution
WJE Du Plessis
Stellenbosch: University of Stellenbosch, 2009
After the COVID-19 state of disaster in South Africa
E du Plessis, D van Niekerk, B Rosenkranz, W Preiser
Nature Human Behaviour 6 (7), 901-901, 2022
Silence is golden: the lack of direction on compensation for expropriation in the 2011 Green Paper on Land Reform
E Du Plessis
Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad …, 2014
Compensation for Expropriation under the Constitution (LLD
WJ Du Plessis
Stellenbosch University, 2009
Tourist taxonomies of international tourists visiting Zimbabwe using an extended international tourist role scale
C Mapingure, E du Plessis
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 46 (2), 344-369, 2022
Compensation for expropriation in South Africa, and international law: the leeway and the limits
H Lubbe, E du Plessis
Constitutional Court Review 11 (1), 79-112, 2021
Understanding the disaster management act and its implementation
D Van Niekerk, E Du Plessis
News24 13, 2020
Understanding value for money at a live music performance
E Du Plessis, M Saayman
Journal of contemporary management 12 (1), 1-19, 2015
The public purpose requirement in the calculation of just and equitable compensation
EWJ du Plessis
Available at SSRN 2381834, 2014
African customary land rights in a private ownership paradigm
EWJ du Plessis, G Frantz
Available at SSRN 2381922, 2013
Sui Generis legislation for the protection of traditional knowledge in South Africa: an opportunity lost
C Ncube, CB Ncube, E du Plessis
Indigenous Knowledge and Intellectual Property, 29-47, 2016
African Indigenous Land Rights in a Private Ownership Paradigm’(2011)
E Du Plessis
Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal 14, 44–69, 0
The Legal Framework Governing Traditional Leaders' Role in Land Use Planning in South Africa
E Du Plessis
Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad …, 2023
Property in transitional times: The glaring absence of property at the TRC
E Du Plessis
The Limits of Transition: The South African Truth and Reconciliation …, 2017
An overview of land use management and the role of traditional leaders in terms of SPLUMA1
EWJ du Plessis
Science 4 (13), 145, 2014
The usefulness of Michelman's utilitarian approach to compensation for expropriation in South Africa
WJ Du Plessis
Stellenbosch Law Review 24 (2), 359-376, 2013
Judicial oversight for sales in execution of residential property and the National Credit Act
E Du Plessis
De Jure 45 (3), 532-555, 2012
Ways of living in a transformative democracy
EWJ du Plessis
SSRN, 2016
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Articles 1–20