Lim Li Hong Idris
Lim Li Hong Idris
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Cited by
Forecasting of global horizontal irradiance by exponential smoothing, using decompositions
D Yang, V Sharma, Z Ye, LI Lim, L Zhao, AW Aryaputera
Energy 81, 111-119, 2015
Very short term irradiance forecasting using the lasso
D Yang, Z Ye, LHI Lim, Z Dong
Solar Energy 114, 314-326, 2015
A linear identification of diode models from single IV characteristics of PV panels
LHI Lim, Z Ye, J Ye, D Yang, H Du
IEEE, 2015
Removal of visual disruption caused by rain using cycle-consistent generative adversarial networks.
P Tang, L. M., Lim, L. H. and Siebert
In: European Conference of Computer Vision (ECCV), Workshop on Autonomous …, 2019
A linear method to extract diode model parameters of solar panels from a single I–V curve
LHI Lim, Z Ye, J Ye, D Yang, H Du
Renewable Energy 76, 135-142, 2015
Bidirectional irradiance transposition based on the Perez model
D Yang, Z Ye, AM Nobre, H Du, WM Walsh, LI Lim, T Reindl
Solar Energy 110, 768-780, 2014
Analyzing big time series data in solar engineering using features and PCA
D Yang, Z Dong, LHI Lim, L Liu
Solar Energy 153, 317-328, 2017
High-precision XY stage motion control of industrial microscope
LHI Lim, D Yang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (3), 1984-1992, 2018
Integration of Offshore Wind with O&G Platforms with an Energy Storage System
JZ Tee, KH Tan, ILH Lim, K Zhou, O Anaya-Lara
2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2019
An enhanced cloud segmentation algorithm for accurate irradiance forecasting
MSRBM Rashid, J Zheng, E Sng, KM Rajendhiran, Z Ye, LHI Lim
Solar Energy 221, 218-231, 2021
Experiences in python programming laboratory for civil engineering students with online collaborative programming platform
Q Cao, LHI Lim, V Dale, N Tasler
ICERI2021 Proceedings, 5784-5791, 2021
Power system stability of offshore wind with an energy storage to electrify o&g platform
JZ Tee, ILH Lim, J Yang, CT Choo, O Anaya-Lara, CK Chui
2020 IEEE REGION 10 CONFERENCE (TENCON), 146-151, 2020
The role of breath hold intensity modulated proton therapy for a case of left-sided breast cancer with IMN involvement. How protons compare with other conformal techniques?
HL Lee, LH Lim, Z Master, SMM Wong
Technical Innovations & Patient Support in Radiation Oncology 15, 1-5, 2020
Transient Stability Analysis of Offshore Wind With O&G Platforms and an Energy Storage System
JZ Tee, LHI Lim, K Zhou, O Anaya-Lara
2020 IEEE PES General Meeting, Montreal, Canada (Virtual), 2020
Statistical modeling, parameter estimation and measurement planning for PV degradation
D Yang, L Liu, CD Rodríguez-Gallegos, Z Ye, LHI Lim
Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2017
A dynamic thermal modelling of solar panels using frequency-domain method
LHI Lim, Z Ye
Solar energy 105, 428-437, 2014
On forced and subharmonic oscillations under relay feedback
LH Lim, AP Loh, WW Tan
IET Control Theory & Applications 2 (9), 829-840, 2008
Estimation of minimum conditions for forced oscillations in relay feedback systems
LH Lim, AP Loh, J Fu
Control and Automation, 2005. ICCA'05. International Conference on 2, 1262-1267, 2005
InVestigation and analysis of bifacial photovoltaics modules with reflective layer
E Sng, CX Ang, LHI Lim
Low-cost precision motion control for industrial digital microscopy
ILH Lim, D Yang
IECON 2017-43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2017
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Articles 1–20