Takumi Akasaka
Takumi Akasaka
Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
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Influence of prey variables, food supply, and river restoration on the foraging activity of Daubenton’s bat (Myotis daubentonii) in the Shibetsu River, a large lowland river in …
T Akasaka, D Nakano, F Nakamura
Biological Conservation 142 (7), 1302-1310, 2009
The significance of meander restoration for the hydrogeomorphology and recovery of wetland organisms in the Kushiro River, a lowland river in Japan
F Nakamura, N Ishiyama, M Sueyoshi, JN Negishi, T Akasaka
Restoration ecology 22 (4), 544-554, 2014
Large wood, sediment, and flow regimes: Their interactions and temporal changes caused by human impacts in Japan
F Nakamura, JI Seo, T Akasaka, FJ Swanson
Geomorphology 279, 176-187, 2017
Mobility-dependent response of aquatic animal species richness to a wetland network in an agricultural landscape
N Ishiyama, T Akasaka, F Nakamura
Aquatic Sciences 76, 437-449, 2014
Adaptation to climate change and conservation of biodiversity using green infrastructure
F Nakamura, N Ishiyama, S Yamanaka, M Higa, T Akasaka, Y Kobayashi, ...
River research and applications 36 (6), 921-933, 2020
Urban permeability for birds: An approach combining mobbing-call experiments and circuit theory
A Shimazaki, Y Yamaura, M Senzaki, Y Yabuhara, T Akasaka, ...
Urban forestry & urban greening 19, 167-175, 2016
An RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene in bat genomes derived from an ancient negative-strand RNA virus
M Horie, Y Kobayashi, T Honda, K Fujino, T Akasaka, C Kohl, G Wibbelt, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 25873, 2016
Scale-independent significance of river and riparian zones on three sympatric Myotis species in an agricultural landscape
T Akasaka, M Akasaka, F Nakamura
Biological Conservation 145 (1), 15-23, 2012
Relative importance of the environmental factors at site and landscape scales for bats along the riparian zone
T Akasaka, M Akasaka, H Yanagawa
Landscape and Ecological Engineering 6, 247-255, 2010
Development of a national land-use/cover dataset to estimate biodiversity and ecosystem services
M Akasaka, A Takenaka, F Ishihama, T Kadoya, M Ogawa, T Osawa, ...
Integrative observations and assessments, 209-229, 2014
Predicting the ecological impacts of large‐dam removals on a river network based on habitat‐network structure and flow regimes
N Ishiyama, M Ryo, T Kataoka, S Nagayama, M Sueyoshi, A Terui, T Mori, ...
Conservation Biology 32 (6), 1403-1413, 2018
Seasonal variation in patch and landscape effects on forest bird communities in a lowland fragmented landscape
Y Yabuhara, Y Yamaura, T Akasaka, S Yamanaka, F Nakamura
Forest ecology and management 454, 117140, 2019
Influence of farmland abandonment on the species composition of wetland ground beetles in Kushiro, Japan
S Yamanaka, T Akasaka, Y Yabuhara, F Nakamura
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 249, 31-37, 2017
Time-lagged responses of indicator taxa to temporal landscape changes in agricultural landscapes
S Yamanaka, T Akasaka, Y Yamaura, M Kaneko, F Nakamura
Ecological Indicators 48, 593-598, 2015
Pond area and distance from continuous forests affect amphibian egg distributions in urban green spaces: a case study in Sapporo, Japan
A Fuyuki, Y Yamaura, Y Nakajima, N Ishiyama, T Akasaka, F Nakamura
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 13 (2), 397-402, 2014
Abundance and use of cavity trees at the tree-and stand-levels in natural and plantation forests in Hokkaido, Japan
K Kikuchi, T Akasaka, Y Yamaura, F Nakamura
Journal of forest research 18 (5), 389-397, 2013
Molecular and histopathological characterization of Cryptosporidium and Eimeria species in bats in Japan
F Murakoshi, K Koyama, T Akasaka, N Horiuchi, K Kato
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 80 (9), 1395-1399, 2018
Predicting Long‐Term Changes in Riparian Bird Communities in Floodplain Landscapes
Y Yabuhara, Y Yamaura, T Akasaka, F Nakamura
River Research and Applications 31 (1), 109-119, 2015
Long-lasting effects of historical land use on the current distribution of mammals revealed by ecological and archaeological patterns
K Fukasawa, T Akasaka
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 10697, 2019
Combining energetic profitability and cover effects to evaluate salmonid habitat quality
H Kawai, S Nagayama, H Urabe, T Akasaka, F Nakamura
Environmental biology of fishes 97, 575-586, 2014
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