Jeffrey Winking
Jeffrey Winking
Texas A&M University, Department of Anthropology
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Collective action in action: Prosocial behavior in and out of the laboratory
M Gurven, J Winking
American Anthropologist 110 (2), 179-190, 2008
Aging and inflammation in two epidemiological worlds
M Gurven, H Kaplan, J Winking, C Finch, EM Crimmins
The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical …, 2008
Natural-field dictator game shows no altruistic giving
J Winking, N Mizer
Evolution and Human Behavior 34 (4), 288-293, 2013
Why do men marry and why do they stray?
J Winking, H Kaplan, M Gurven, S Rucas
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1618), 1643-1649, 2007
Inflammation and infection do not promote arterial aging and cardiovascular disease risk factors among lean horticulturalists
M Gurven, H Kaplan, J Winking, DE Rodriguez, S Vasunilashorn, JK Kim, ...
PLoS One 4 (8), e6590, 2009
A bioeconomic approach to marriage and the sexual division of labor
M Gurven, J Winking, H Kaplan, C Von Rueden, L McAllister
Human Nature 20, 151-183, 2009
Inclusive fitness and differential productivity across the life course determine intergenerational transfers in a small-scale human society
PL Hooper, M Gurven, J Winking, HS Kaplan
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1803), 20142808, 2015
Learning, menopause, and the human adaptive complex
H Kaplan, M Gurven, J Winking, PL Hooper, J Stieglitz
Annals of the New York Academy of sciences 1204 (1), 30-42, 2010
Blood lipids, infection, and inflammatory markers in the Tsimane of Bolivia
S Vasunilashorn, EM Crimmins, JK Kim, J Winking, M Gurven, H Kaplan, ...
American Journal of Human Biology 22 (6), 731-740, 2010
Female intrasexual competition and reputational effects on attractiveness among the Tsimane of Bolivia
SL Rucas, M Gurven, H Kaplan, J Winking, S Gangestad, M Crespo
Evolution and Human Behavior 27 (1), 40-52, 2006
Infidelity, jealousy, and wife abuse among Tsimane forager–farmers: testing evolutionary hypotheses of marital conflict
J Stieglitz, M Gurven, H Kaplan, J Winking
Evolution and Human Behavior, 2012
The goals of direct paternal care among a South Amerindian population
J Winking, M Gurven, H Kaplan, J Stieglitz
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2009
Father death and adult success among the Tsimane: implications for marriage and divorce
J Winking, M Gurven, H Kaplan
Evolution and Human Behavior 32 (2), 79-89, 2011
An evolutionary theory of human life span: Embodied capital and the human adaptive complex.
H Kaplan, M Gurven, J Winking
Springer Publishing Company, 2009
Spousal violence and paternal disinvestment among Tsimane'forager‐horticulturalists
J Stieglitz, H Kaplan, M Gurven, J Winking, BV Tayo
American Journal of Human Biology 23 (4), 445-457, 2011
Are men really that bad as fathers? The role of men's investments
J Winking
Social Biology 53 (1-2), 100-115, 2006
The fitness effects of men’s family investments: A test of three pathways in a single population
J Winking, J Koster
Human Nature 26, 292-312, 2015
Polygyny among the Tsimane of Bolivia: an improved method for testing the polygyny–fertility hypothesis
J Winking, J Stieglitz, J Kurten, H Kaplan, M Gurven
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1756), 20123078, 2013
The Social Strategy Game
SL Rucas, M Gurven, H Kaplan, J Winking
Human Nature 21 (1), 1-18, 2010
Science as a public good: Findings from a survey of March for Science participants
AD Ross, R Struminger, J Winking, KR Wedemeyer-Strombel
Science Communication 40 (2), 228-245, 2018
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Articles 1–20