Thomas Loruenser
Cited by
Cited by
The SECOQC quantum key distribution network in Vienna
M Peev, C Pacher, R Alléaume, C Barreiro, J Bouda, W Boxleitner, ...
New journal of physics 11 (7), 075001, 2009
Practical quantum key distribution with polarization entangled photons
A Poppe, A Fedrizzi, R Ursin, HR Böhm, T Lorünser, O Maurhardt, M Peev, ...
Optics Express 12 (16), 3865-3871, 2004
High-fidelity transmission of polarization encoded qubits from an entangled source over 100 km of fiber
H Hübel, MR Vanner, T Lederer, B Blauensteiner, T Lorünser, A Poppe, ...
Optics Express 15 (12), 7853-7862, 2007
A fully automated entanglement-based quantum cryptography system for telecom fiber networks
A Treiber, A Poppe, M Hentschel, D Ferrini, T Lorünser, E Querasser, ...
New Journal of Physics 11 (4), 045013, 2009
ARCHISTAR: Towards Secure and Robust Cloud Based Data Sharing
T Lorünser, A Happe, D Slamanig
IEEE 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science …, 2015
Revisiting proxy re-encryption: forward secrecy, improved security, and applications
D Derler, S Krenn, T Lorünser, S Ramacher, D Slamanig, C Striecks
IACR international workshop on public key cryptography, 219-250, 2018
A novel protocol-authentication algorithm ruling out a man-in-the middle attack in quantum cryptography
M Peev, M Nölle, O Maurhardt, T Lorünser, M Suda, A Poppe, R Ursin, ...
International Journal of Quantum Information 3 (01), 225-231, 2005
Attacks on quantum key distribution protocols that employ non-ITS authentication
C Pacher, A Abidin, T Lorünser, M Peev, R Ursin, A Zeilinger, JÅ Larsson
Quantum Information Processing 15, 327-362, 2016
PRISMACLOUD tools: a cryptographic toolbox for increasing security in cloud services
T Loruenser, D Slamanig, T Länger, HC Pöhls
2016 11Th international conference on availability, reliability and security …, 2016
Towards attribute-based credentials in the cloud
S Krenn, T Lorünser, A Salzer, C Striecks
Cryptology and Network Security: 16th International Conference, CANS 2017 …, 2018
Passive ROADM flexibility in optical access with spectral and spatial reconfigurability
B Schrenk, F Laudenbach, R Lieger, T Lorünser, P Bakopoulos, A Poppe, ...
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 33 (12), 2837-2846, 2015
Making secret sharing based cloud storage usable
E Framner, S Fischer-Hübner, T Lorünser, AS Alaqra, JS Pettersson
Information & Computer Security 27 (5), 647-667, 2019
A fast and resource efficient FPGA implementation of secret sharing for storage applications
J Stangl, T Lorünser, SMP Dinakarrao
2018 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 654-659, 2018
Key Management of Quantum Generated Keys in IPsec
A Neppach, C Pfaffel-Janser, I Wimberger, T Lorünser, S Alexander, ...
SECRYPT 2008, International Conference on Security and Cryptography, 177-183, 2008
Opportunities and challenges of CREDENTIAL: towards a metadata-privacy respecting identity provider
F Karegar, C Striecks, S Krenn, F Hörandner, T Lorünser, ...
Privacy and Identity Management. Facing up to Next Steps: 11th IFIP WG 9.2 …, 2016
New release of an open source QKD software: design and implementation of new algorithms, modularization and integration with IPSec
O Maurhart, C Pacher, A Happe, T Lor, C Tamas, A Poppe, M Peev
Proc. Qcrypt, 1, 2013
CryptSDLC: Embedding cryptographic engineering into secure software development lifecycle
T Loruenser, HC Pöhls, L Sell, T Laenger
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on availability …, 2018
Towards a New Paradigm for Privacy and Security in Cloud Services
T Loruenser, CB Rodriguez, D Demirel, S Fischer-Huebner, T Gross, ...
4th Cyber Security and Privacy EU Forum, CSP Forum 2015, 2015
Efficient and privacy preserving third party auditing for a distributed storage system
D Demirel, S Krenn, T Lorünser, G Traverso
2016 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security …, 2016
Towards a Performance Model for Byzantine Fault Tolerant Services.
T Lorünser, B Rainer, F Wohner
CLOSER, 178-189, 2022
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Articles 1–20