Charles A Buckley
Charles A Buckley
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Using diagrams to support the research process: Examples from grounded theory
CA Buckley, MJ Waring
Qualitative Research 13 (2), 148-172, 2013
Students’ approaches to study, conceptions of learning and judgements about the value of networked technologies
CA Buckley, E Pitt, B Norton, T Owens
Active Learning in Higher Education 11 (1), 55-65, 2010
Student and staff perceptions of the research–teaching nexus
CA Buckley
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 48 (3), 313-322, 2011
The evolving nature of grounded theory: experiential reflections on the potential of the method for analysing children’s attitudes towards physical activity
C Buckley, M Waring
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 12 (4), 317-334, 2009
Effective use of visual representation in research and teaching within higher education
C Buckley, C Nerantzi
International Journal of Management and Applied Research 7 (3), 196-214, 2020
Enhancing learning and teaching with technology
C Nerantzi, C Buckley, A Spiers
Open University Press, 2017
Doing your undergraduate dissertation using qualitative research: Tutor reflections
C Buckley
Journal of Qualitative Research in Sports Studies 1 (1), 89-93, 2007
Impact of writing workshops on doctoral student wellness
C Buckley, E Saetnan, A Gerber, J Cheetham, T Price, J Kenyani, ...
Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 2021
A study of grounded theory identities, childhood identities and the culture of physical activity
CA Buckley
Loughborough University, 1998
Supervising international students’ undergraduate research projects: Implications from the literature
C Buckley
Supervising and writing a good undergraduate dissertation, 132-148, 2013
Lecturer Identities and Perceptions of CPD for Supporting Learning and Teaching in FE and HE in the UK
CABG Husband
International Journal of Management and Applied Research 7 (4), 432-453, 2020
Children’s experiences in sport and physical activity: Reflecting on adolescence
CA Buckley
European College of Sports Science International Congress. Belgrade, 2005
Exploring visual representation of concepts in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
C Buckley, C Nerantzi
International Journal of Management and Applied Research, 2019
Diagrams to support the research process in qualitative studies
CA Buckley
Enhancing learning and teaching with technology
A Buckley, C.A., Narantzi, C., Spiers
An Introduction To Learning And Teaching In Higher Education 1, 2017
Sport Studies Students’ Approaches to Study and their First Year Experience with Blended Learning
C Buckley, B Norton, E Pitt, T Owens
Higher Education Academy Network for Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism, 2008
Jews, sports, and the rights of citizenship
C Buckley
SPORT EDUCATION AND SOCIETY 13 (1), 119-121, 2008
Adolescents' perceptions of physical education and the relationship with lifelong physical activity
C Buckley
Education-Line, 2006
The evolving nature of grounded theory: experiential reflections on the potential of the method for analysing children's attitudes towards physical activity
C Buckley, M Waring
Education-Line, 2005
Catholics and Radicals: The Association of Catholic Trade Unionists and the American Labor Movement, from Depression to Cold War
LF Buckley
Review of Social Economy 41 (2), 186-188, 1983
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Articles 1–20