Nina Eisenmenger
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Cited by
Growth in global materials use, GDP and population during the 20th century
F Krausmann, S Gingrich, N Eisenmenger, KH Erb, H Haberl, ...
Ecological economics 68 (10), 2696-2705, 2009
EXIOBASE 3: Developing a time series of detailed environmentally extended multi‐regional input‐output tables
K Stadler, R Wood, T Bulavskaya, CJ Södersten, M Simas, S Schmidt, ...
Journal of Industrial Ecology 22 (3), 502-515, 2018
Decoupling natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth
United Nations Environment Programme. International Resource Panel, ...
UNEP/Earthprint, 2011
Global material flows and resource productivity: forty years of evidence
H Schandl, M Fischer‐Kowalski, J West, S Giljum, M Dittrich, ...
Journal of Industrial Ecology 22 (4), 827-838, 2018
The global sociometabolic transition: past and present metabolic profiles and their future trajectories
F Krausmann, M Fischer‐Kowalski, H Schandl, N Eisenmenger
Journal of Industrial ecology 12 (5‐6), 637-656, 2008
Increasing impacts of land use on biodiversity and carbon sequestration driven by population and economic growth
A Marques, IS Martins, T Kastner, C Plutzar, MC Theurl, N Eisenmenger, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 3 (4), 628-637, 2019
Global patterns of materials use: A socioeconomic and geophysical analysis
JK Steinberger, F Krausmann, N Eisenmenger
Ecological Economics 69 (5), 1148-1158, 2010
The global metabolic transition: Regional patterns and trends of global material flows, 1950–2010
A Schaffartzik, A Mayer, S Gingrich, N Eisenmenger, C Loy, F Krausmann
Global Environmental Change 26, 87-97, 2014
The Sustainable Development Goals prioritize economic growth over sustainable resource use: a critical reflection on the SDGs from a socio-ecological perspective
N Eisenmenger, M Pichler, N Krenmayr, D Noll, B Plank, E Schalmann, ...
Sustainability Science 15 (4), 1101-1110, 2020
The physical economy of the European Union: Cross-country comparison and determinants of material consumption
H Weisz, F Krausmann, C Amann, N Eisenmenger, KH Erb, K Hubacek, ...
Ecological Economics 58 (4), 676-698, 2006
North-South trade and the distribution of environmental goods and burdens: a biophysical perspective
S Giljum, N Eisenmenger
The Journal of Environment & Development 13 (1), 73-100, 2004
Maintenance and expansion: modeling material stocks and flows for residential buildings and transportation networks in the EU25
D Wiedenhofer, JK Steinberger, N Eisenmenger, W Haas
Journal of Industrial Ecology 19 (4), 538-551, 2015
Material flow accounting: measuring global material use for sustainable development
F Krausmann, H Schandl, N Eisenmenger, S Giljum, T Jackson
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 42 (1), 647-675, 2017
Energy use and economic development: A comparative analysis of useful work supply in Austria, Japan, the United Kingdom and the US during 100 years of economic growth
B Warr, R Ayres, N Eisenmenger, F Krausmann, H Schandl
Ecological Economics 69 (10), 1904-1917, 2010
Cropland area embodied in international trade: Contradictory results from different approaches
T Kastner, A Schaffartzik, N Eisenmenger, KH Erb, H Haberl, ...
Ecological Economics 104, 140-144, 2014
International trade drives global resource use: a structural decomposition analysis of raw material consumption from 1990–2010
B Plank, N Eisenmenger, A Schaffartzik, D Wiedenhofer
Environmental Science & Technology 52 (7), 4190-4198, 2018
Global patterns of metal extractivism, 1950–2010: Providing the bones for the industrial society's skeleton
A Schaffartzik, A Mayer, N Eisenmenger, F Krausmann
Ecological Economics 122, 101-110, 2016
Global material flows and resource productivity: assessment report for the UNEP international resource panel
H Schandl, M Fischer-Kowalski, J West, S Giljum, M Dittrich, ...
United Nations Environment Programme: Paris, France, 2016
The energetic metabolism of the European Union and the United States: Decadal energy input time‐series with an emphasis on biomass
H Haberl, H Weisz, C Amann, A Bondeau, N Eisenmenger, KH Erb, ...
Journal of Industrial Ecology 10 (4), 151-171, 2006
Consumption‐based material flow accounting: Austrian trade and consumption in raw material equivalents 1995–2007
A Schaffartzik, N Eisenmenger, F Krausmann, H Weisz
Journal of Industrial Ecology 18 (1), 102-112, 2014
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Articles 1–20