Aad Correljé
Aad Correljé
Associate Professor Economics of Infrastructures, Delft University of Technology
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Energy supply security and geopolitics: A European perspective
A Correlje, C Van der Linde
Energy policy 34 (5), 532-543, 2006
Responsible innovation as an endorsement of public values: The need for interdisciplinary research
B Taebi, A Correlje, E Cuppen, M Dignum, U Pesch
Journal of Responsible Innovation 1 (1), 118-124, 2014
Natural Gas in the Netherlands. From Cooperation to Competition?
A Correljé, C Van der Linde, T Westerwoudt
Clingendael International Energy Programme/Oranje Nassau, CIEP, The Hague, 2003
Contested technologies and design for values: The case of shale gas
M Dignum, A Correljé, E Cuppen, U Pesch, B Taebi
Science and engineering Ethics 22, 1171-1191, 2016
Responsible innovation in energy projects: Values in the design of technologies, institutions and stakeholder interactions
A Correljé, E Cuppen, M Dignum, U Pesch, B Taebi
Responsible Innovation 2: Concepts, Approaches, and Applications, 183-200, 2015
Energy justice and controversies: Formal and informal assessment in energy projects
U Pesch, A Correljé, E Cuppen, B Taebi
Energy Policy 109, 825-834, 2017
OECD Contributions to: Towards Sustainable Household Consumption: Trends and Policies in OECD Countries
AF Correljé
OECD, 2002
The transition from coal to gas: radical change of the Dutch gas system
A Correlje, G Verbong
System innovation and the transition to sustainability: theory, evidence and …, 2004
Competition, regulation, and pricing behaviour in the Spanish retail gasoline market
I Contín-Pilart, AF Correljé, MB Palacios
Energy Policy 37 (1), 219-228, 2009
Integrating water management and principles of policy: towards an EU framework?
A Correljé, D François, T Verbeke
Journal of cleaner production 15 (16), 1499-1506, 2007
Hybrid electricity markets: the problem of explaining different patterns of restructuring
LJDV AF Correljé
Competitive Electricity Markets: Design, Implementation, Performance, 2008
When controversies cascade: Analysing the dynamics of public engagement and conflict in the Netherlands and Switzerland through “controversy spillover”
E Cuppen, O Ejderyan, U Pesch, S Spruit, E Van de Grift, A Correljé, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 68, 101593, 2020
Study on energy supply security and geopolitics
C Van der Linde, MP Amineh, A Correljé, D de Jong
Final Report, 2004
The Spanish gasoline market: From ceiling regulation to open market pricing
I Contín, A Correlje, E Huerta
The Energy Journal 20 (4), 1-14, 1999
The Spanish oil industry: Structural Change and Modernization.
A Correljé
Erasmus University Rotterdam 84 (Tinbergen Institute Research Series), 1994
Dertig Jaar nederlands Energiebeleid: Van Bonzen, Polders en Markten naar Brussel zonder Koolstof
AC Jaqcues J. de Jong, Ed Weeda, Theo Westerwoudt
city, 548, 2005
The European natural gas market
A Correljé
Current sustainable/renewable energy reports 3, 28-34, 2016
Public agency and responsibility in energy governance: AQ study on diverse imagined publics in the Dutch heat transition
TSGH Rodhouse, U Pesch, E Cuppen, AF Correljé
Energy Research & Social Science 77, 102046, 2021
Four decades of Groningen production and pricing policies and a view to the future
AF Correljé, PR Odell
Energy Policy 28 (1), 19-27, 2000
The Spanish distribution system for oil products: an obstacle to competition?
I Contı́n, A Correljé, E Huerta
Energy Policy 29 (2), 103-111, 2001
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Articles 1–20