Henry Trotter
Henry Trotter
PhD Candidate @ Yale / Open Education Researcher @ UCT
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Online Teaching in Response to Student Protests and Campus Shutdowns: Academics’ Perspectives
L Czerniewicz, H Trotter, G Haupt
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 16 (1), 1-22, 2019
A Social Justice Framework for Understanding Open Educational Resources and Practices in the Global South
CA Hodgkinson-Williams, H Trotter
Journal of Learning for Development 5 (3), 2018
Institutional Culture and OER Policy: How Structure, Culture, and Agency Mediate OER Policy Potential in South African Universities
G Cox, H Trotter
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning: IRRODL 17 …, 2016
Trauma and Memory: The Impact of Apartheid-Era Forced Removals on Coloured Identity in Cape Town
H Trotter
Burdened by Race: Coloured Identities in Southern Africa, 49-78, 2009
Factors Shaping Lecturers’ Adoption of OER at Three South African Universities
G Cox, H Trotter
Adoption and Impact of OER in the Global South, 287-347, 2017
An OER Framework, Heuristic and Lens: Tools for Understanding Lecturers' Adoption of OER
G Cox, H Trotter
Open Praxis 9 (2), 151-171, 2017
Sugar Girls & Seamen: A Journey into the World of Dockside Prostitution in South Africa
H Trotter
Jacana Media / Ohio University Press, 2008
Seeking Impact and Visibility: Scholarly Communication in Southern Africa
H Trotter, C Kell, M Willmers, E Gray, T King
African Minds, 2014
OER and OEP in the Global South: Implications and Recommendations for Social Inclusion
P Arinto, C Hodgkinson-Williams, H Trotter
Adoption and Impact of OER in the Global South, 577-592, 2017
Dockside Prostitution in South African Ports
H Trotter
History Compass 6 (3), 673-690, 2008
Seeking Equity, Agility, and Sustainability in the Provision of Emergency Remote Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Center for Teaching and Learning Takes an Expanded Role
H Trotter, CW Huang, L Czerniewicz
Higher Learning Research Communications 12 (0), 2022
Cultural-Historical Factors Influencing OER Adoption in Mongolia's Higher Education Sector
B Zagdragchaa, H Trotter
Adoption and Impact of OER in the Global South, 389-424, 2017
Navigating Risk: Lessons from the Dockside Sex Trade for Reducing Violence in South Africa’s Prostitution Industry
H Trotter
Sexuality Research & Social Policy 4 (4), 106-119, 2007
Scholarly Communication at the University of Botswana: Case Study Report
H Trotter, C Kell, M Willmers, E Gray, A Totolo, T King
University of Cape Town. Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme, 2014
Soliciting Sailors: The Temporal Dynamics of Dockside Prostitution in Durban and Cape Town
H Trotter
Journal of Southern African Studies 35 (3), 699-713, 2009
Scholarly Communication in Africa: Aligning Strategy and Technology for Increased Visibility of Southern African Research
E Gray, H Trotter, M Willmers
2012 International Association for Media and Communications Research Conference, 2012
Removals and Remembrance: Commemorating Community in Coloured Cape Town
H Trotter
Yale University, 2002
How Intellectual Property (IP) Policies Affect OER Creation at South African Universities
H Trotter
Research on Open Educational Resources for Development, 2016
The OER Adoption Pyramid
H Trotter, G Cox
Open Education Global 2016: Convergence Through Collaboration, (Poster), 2016
The Women of Durban’s Dockside Sex Industry
H Trotter
Undressing Durban, 441-452, 2007
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Articles 1–20