Aparna Kumari (SMIEEE, WIE, LMISTE, Recognized PhD Guide(World's Top 2% Scientists 2022, 2021, 2023)
Aparna Kumari (SMIEEE, WIE, LMISTE, Recognized PhD Guide(World's Top 2% Scientists 2022, 2021, 2023)
Computer Science and Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, India
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Cited by
Fog computing for Healthcare 4.0 environment: Opportunities and challenges
A Kumari, S Tanwar, S Tyagi, N Kumar
Computers & Electrical Engineering 72, 1-13, 2018
Machine learning adoption in blockchain-based smart applications: The challenges, and a way forward
S Tanwar, Q Bhatia, P Patel, A Kumari, PK Singh, WC Hong
IEEE Access 8, 474-488, 2019
Multimedia big data computing and Internet of Things applications: A taxonomy and process model
A Kumari, S Tanwar, S Tyagi, N Kumar, M Maasberg, KKR Choo
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 124, 169-195, 2018
Fog computing for smart grid systems in the 5G environment: Challenges and solutions
A Kumari, S Tanwar, S Tyagi, N Kumar, MS Obaidat, JJPC Rodrigues
IEEE Wireless Communications 26 (3), 47-53, 2019
Blockchain and AI amalgamation for energy cloud management: Challenges, solutions, and future directions
A Kumari, R Gupta, S Tanwar, N Kumar
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 143, 148-166, 2020
Fusion of blockchain and artificial intelligence for secure drone networking underlying 5G communications
R Gupta, A Kumari, S Tanwar
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 32 (1), e4176, 2021
Fog data analytics: A taxonomy and process model
A Kumari, S Tanwar, S Tyagi, N Kumar, RM Parizi, KKR Choo
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 128, 90-104, 2019
Amalgamation of blockchain and IoT for smart cities underlying 6G communication: A comprehensive review
A Kumari, R Gupta, S Tanwar
Computer Communications 172, 102-118, 2021
When blockchain meets smart grid: Secure energy trading in demand response management
A Kumari, R Gupta, S Tanwar, S Tyagi, N Kumar
IEEE Network 34 (5), 299-305, 2020
A taxonomy of blockchain-enabled softwarization for secure UAV network
A Kumari, R Gupta, S Tanwar, N Kumar
Computer Communications 161, 304-323, 2020
Verification and validation techniques for streaming big data analytics in internet of things environment
A Kumari, S Tanwar, S Tyagi, N Kumar
IET Networks 8 (3), 155-163, 2019
Blockchain-envisioned softwarized multi-swarming UAVs to tackle COVID-I9 situations
R Gupta, A Kumari, S Tanwar, N Kumar
IEEE network 35 (2), 160-167, 2020
A taxonomy of blockchain envisioned edge‐as‐a‐connected autonomous vehicles
R Gupta, A Kumari, S Tanwar
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 32 (6), e4009, 2021
ET-DeaL: A P2P smart contract-based secure energy trading scheme for smart grid systems
A Kumari, A Shukla, R Gupta, S Tanwar, S Tyagi, N Kumar
IEEE INFOCOM 2020-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops …, 2020
Secure data analytics for smart grid systems in a sustainable smart city: Challenges, solutions, and future directions
A Kumari, S Tanwar
Sustainable computing: informatics and systems 28, 100427, 2020
A reinforcement-learning-based secure demand response scheme for smart grid system
A Kumari, S Tanwar
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (3), 2180-2191, 2021
Blockchain-based peer-to-peer transactive energy management scheme for smart grid system
A Kumari, U Chintukumar Sukharamwala, S Tanwar, MS Raboaca, ...
Sensors 22 (13), 4826, 2022
Blockchain-based massive data dissemination handling in IIoT environment
A Kumari, S Tanwar, S Tyagi, N Kumar
IEEE Network 35 (1), 318-325, 2020
Redills: Deep learning-based secure data analytic framework for smart grid systems
A Kumari, D Vekaria, R Gupta, S Tanwar
2020 IEEE international conference on communications workshops (ICC …, 2020
S Tanwar, R Gupta, A Kumari, S Tyagi, N Kumar
Security and Privacy of Electronic Healthcare Records: Concepts, Paradigms …, 2019
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