Francis K. Bondinuba
Francis K. Bondinuba
Kumasi Technical University and Heriot Watt University, UK
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Cited by
Estimation of biogas and methane yields in an UASB treating potato starch processing wastewater with backpropagation artificial neural network
P Antwi, J Li, PO Boadi, J Meng, E Shi, K Deng, FK Bondinuba
Bioresource technology 228, 106-115, 2017
Barriers to adoption of sustainable technologies for energy-efficient building upgrade—Semi-structured interviews
J Dadzie, G Runeson, G Ding, FK Bondinuba
Buildings 8 (4), 57, 2018
Relative Importance of Student Accommodation Quality in Higher Education
Nimako S.G., Bondinuba F.K.
Current Research Journal of Social Sciences 5 (4), 134-142, 2013
An empirical evaluation of student accommodation quality in higher education
Nimako S.G., Bondinuba F.K.
European Journal of Business and Social Sciences 1 (12), 164-177, 2013
Exploring the challenges and barriers in accessing financial facilities by small and medium construction firms in Ghana
Bondinuba, F.K.
Civil and Environmental Research 2 (6), 25-35, 2012
Construction workers work-life balance: A tool for improving productivity in the construction industry
K Apraku, FK Bondinuba, AK Eyiah, AM Sadique
Social Work and Social Welfare 2 (1), 45-52, 2020
Developing Student Housing Quality Scale (SHOQUAL) in Higher Institutions of Learning: Factor Analysis Approach
FK Bondinuba, SG Nimako, NK Karley
Journal of Urban Studies Research, 2013
Towards Innovative housing financing in Ghana: an evidence-based from South Africa’s pension housing financing system
SK Afrane, DG Owusu-Manu, KA Donkor-Hyiaman, FK Bondinuba
Exploring concrete materials batching behaviour of artisans in Ghana's informal construction sector
D Hedidor, F Bondinuba
Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology 8 (5), 35-52, 2017
Antecedents of supplier relation quality in the Ghanaian construction supply chain
F Bondinuba, D Edwards, S Nimako, OM De-Graft, C Conway
International journal of construction supply chain management 6 (1), 2016
Assessing the role of housing microfinance in the low-income housing market in Ghana
F Bondinuba, DN Karley, S Biitir, A Adjei-Twum
Bondinuba FK, Karley NK, Biitir SB, Adjei-Twum A, 44-54, 2016
The role of microfinance as an innovative strategy for low-income housing delivery in developing countries
FK Bondinuba
Heriot-Watt University, 2016
The motivations of microfinance institutions to enter the housing market in a developing country
FK Bondinuba, M Stephens, C Jones, R Buckley
International Journal of Housing Policy 20 (4), 534-554, 2020
Construction Audits Practice in Ghana: A Review
F Bondinuba, A Nansie, J Dadzie, S Djokoto, M Sadique
J. Civil Eng. Architect. Res 4 (1), 1859-1872, 2017
Determinants of small and medium construction firms’ financial performance
FK Bondinuba, CK Bondinuba, A Opoku, D Owusu-Manu, M Mittal
Proceedings of Second International Conference in Mechanical and Energy …, 2022
Risks in homeownership: a perspective on The Netherlands
AL Teye, J de Haan, MG Elsinga, FK Bondinuba, JT Gbadegesin
International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis 10 (4), 472-488, 2017
Stimulating growth and improving the delivery of housing microfinance interventions: An analysis of critical demand factors
FK Bondinuba, A Opoku, D Owusu-Manu, KA Donkor-Hyiaman
Journal of Facilities Management 16 (3), 238-252, 2018
Financing practices and preference of small and medium construction firms in Ghana
AK Eyiah, FK Bondinuba
International Journal of Small and Medium Enterprises and Business …, 2020
Modelling the Determinants of Plant and Equipment Acquisition Options among Construction Organizations
FK Bondinuba, J Dadzie, AK Eyiah, D Marfo
Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences 24, 1-13, 2021
The Influence of Urbanisation and Housing Policies on Low-income Housing Delivery in Developing Countries
FK Bondinuba, M Stephens
Inclusive City Growth and The Poor: Policies, Challenges and Prospects 16, 2018
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Articles 1–20