Jianwei Miao
Jianwei Miao
GlobalFoundries, Singapore
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Cited by
Identification of catalytic sites for oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution in N-doped graphene materials: Development of highly efficient metal-free bifunctional electrocatalyst
HB Yang, J Miao, SF Hung, J Chen, HB Tao, X Wang, L Zhang, R Chen, ...
Science advances 2 (4), e1501122, 2016
Carbon nanotube catalysts: recent advances in synthesis, characterization and applications
Y Yan, J Miao, Z Yang, FX Xiao, HB Yang, B Liu, Y Yang
Chemical Society Reviews 44 (10), 3295-3346, 2015
Hierarchical Ni-Mo-S nanosheets on carbon fiber cloth: A flexible electrode for efficient hydrogen generation in neutral electrolyte
J Miao, FX Xiao, HB Yang, SY Khoo, J Chen, Z Fan, YY Hsu, HM Chen, ...
Science advances 1 (7), e1500259, 2015
A p-type Ti (IV)-based metal–organic framework with visible-light photo-response
J Gao, J Miao, PZ Li, WY Teng, L Yang, Y Zhao, B Liu, Q Zhang
Chemical communications 50 (29), 3786-3788, 2014
Layer-by-layer self-assembly of CdS quantum dots/graphene nanosheets hybrid films for photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic applications
FX Xiao, J Miao, B Liu
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (4), 1559-1569, 2014
Use of platinum as the counter electrode to study the activity of nonprecious metal catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction
R Chen, C Yang, W Cai, HY Wang, J Miao, L Zhang, S Chen, B Liu
ACS energy letters 2 (5), 1070-1075, 2017
Identification of surface reactivity descriptor for transition metal oxides in oxygen evolution reaction
HB Tao, L Fang, J Chen, HB Yang, J Gao, J Miao, S Chen, B Liu
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (31), 9978-9985, 2016
A flexible high-performance oxygen evolution electrode with three-dimensional NiCo2O4 core-shell nanowires
R Chen, HY Wang, J Miao, H Yang, B Liu
Nano Energy 11, 333-340, 2015
Metal‐Cluster‐Decorated TiO2 Nanotube Arrays: A Composite Heterostructure toward Versatile Photocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical Applications
FX Xiao, SF Hung, J Miao, HY Wang, H Yang, B Liu
Small 11 (5), 554-567, 2015
One‐dimensional hybrid nanostructures for heterogeneous photocatalysis and photoelectrocatalysis
FX Xiao, J Miao, HB Tao, SF Hung, HY Wang, HB Yang, J Chen, R Chen, ...
Small 11 (18), 2115-2131, 2015
An earth‐abundant catalyst‐based seawater photoelectrolysis system with 17.9% solar‐to‐hydrogen efficiency
SH Hsu, J Miao, L Zhang, J Gao, H Wang, H Tao, SF Hung, A Vasileff, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (18), 1707261, 2018
Threading chalcogenide layers with polymer chains
WW Xiong, J Miao, K Ye, Y Wang, B Liu, Q Zhang
Angewandte Chemie 127 (2), 556-560, 2015
DNA-functionalized graphene to guide growth of highly active Pd nanocrystals as efficient electrocatalyst for direct formic acid fuel cells
C Guo, L Zhang, J Miao, J Zhang, C Li
Wiley, 2013
Stable quantum dot photoelectrolysis cell for unassisted visible light solar water splitting
HB Yang, J Miao, SF Hung, F Huo, HM Chen, B Liu
ACS nano 8 (10), 10403-10413, 2014
In Situ Spectroscopic Identification of μ-OO Bridging on Spinel Co3O4 Water Oxidation Electrocatalyst
HY Wang, SF Hung, YY Hsu, L Zhang, J Miao, TS Chan, Q Xiong, B Liu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 (23), 4847-4853, 2016
Unraveling oxygen evolution reaction on carbon-based electrocatalysts: effect of oxygen doping on adsorption of oxygenated intermediates
L Li, H Yang, J Miao, L Zhang, HY Wang, Z Zeng, W Huang, X Dong, B Liu
ACS Energy Letters 2 (2), 294-300, 2017
Spatially branched hierarchical ZnO nanorod-TiO 2 nanotube array heterostructures for versatile photocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic applications: towards intimate …
FX Xiao, SF Hung, HB Tao, J Miao, HB Yang, B Liu
Nanoscale 6 (24), 14950-14961, 2014
Electrochemical fabrication of ZnO–CdSe core–shell nanorod arrays for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting
J Miao, HB Yang, SY Khoo, B Liu
Nanoscale 5 (22), 11118-11124, 2013
Self-assembly of hierarchically ordered CdS quantum dots–TiO 2 nanotube array heterostructures as efficient visible light photocatalysts for photoredox applications
FX Xiao, J Miao, HY Wang, B Liu
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (39), 12229-12238, 2013
Hierarchical carbon@ Ni3S2@ MoS2 double core-shell nanorods for high-performance supercapacitors
L Li, H Yang, J Yang, L Zhang, J Miao, Y Zhang, C Sun, W Huang, X Dong, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (4), 1319-1325, 2016
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