Rosalind Deaker
Rosalind Deaker
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Legume seed inoculation technology—a review
R Deaker, RJ Roughley, IR Kennedy
Soil biology and biochemistry 36 (8), 1275-1288, 2004
Biological nitrogen fixation in non-leguminous field crops: facilitating the evolution of an effective association between Azospirillum and wheat
IR Kennedy, LL Pereg-Gerk, C Wood, R Deaker, K Gilchrist, S Katupitiya
Plant and soil 194, 65-79, 1997
The production and potential of biofertilizers to improve crop yields
D Lesueur, R Deaker, L Herrmann, L Bräu, J Jansa
Bioformulations: for sustainable agriculture, 71-92, 2016
Isolation and growth of rhizobia
M Hungria, GW O'hara, JE Zilli, RS Araujo, R Deaker, JG Howieson
Working with rhizobia, 39-60, 2016
Phosphorus adsorption in some Australian soils and influence of bacteria on the desorption of phosphorus
MF Ahmed, IR Kennedy, A Choudhury, ML Kecskés, R Deaker
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39 (9-10), 1269-1294, 2008
Inoculating legumes: a practical guide
E Drew, D Herridge, R Ballard, G O’Hara, R Deaker, M Denton, R Yates, ...
Grains Research and Development Corporation, 2012
The positive yield response of field-grown rice to inoculation with a multi-strain biofertiliser in the Hanoi area, Vietnam
HT NGUYEN, R Deaker, IR Kennedy, RJ Roughley
Symbiosis, 2003
The response of wheat genotypes to inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense in the field
N Kazi, R Deaker, N Wilson, K Muhammad, R Trethowan
Field Crops Research 196, 368-378, 2016
Desiccation tolerance of rhizobia when protected by synthetic polymers
R Deaker, RJ Roughley, IR Kennedy
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39 (2), 573-580, 2007
Wheat root colonization and nitrogenase activity by Azospirillum isolates from crop plants in Korea
C Kim, ML Kecskés, RJ Deaker, K Gilchrist, PB New, IR Kennedy, S Kim, ...
Canadian journal of microbiology 51 (11), 948-956, 2005
Early seedling growth response of lettuce, tomato and cucumber to Azospirillum brasilense inoculated by soaking and drenching.
JS Mangmang, R Deaker, G Rogers
Conditions affecting shelf-life of inoculated legume seed
R Deaker, E Hartley, G Gemell
Agriculture 2 (1), 38-51, 2012
Some factors that contribute to poor survival of rhizobia on preinoculated legume seed
EJ Hartley, LG Gemell, R Deaker
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (9), 858-865, 2012
Practical methods for the quality control of inoculant biofertilisers.
R Deaker, ML Kecskés, MT Rose, K Amprayn, GK Ganisan Krishnen, ...
Inoculation effect of Azospirillum brasilense on basil grown under aquaponics production system
JS Mangmang, R Deaker, G Rogers
Organic agriculture 6, 65-74, 2016
Effects of a multistrain biofertilizer and phosphorus rates on nutrition and grain yield of paddy rice on a sandy soil in southern Vietnam
PT Cong, TD Dung, NT Hien, ATMA Choudhury, MT Rose, ML Kecskes, ...
Journal of plant nutrition 34 (7), 1058-1069, 2011
The survival of plant growth promoting microorganisms in peat inoculant as measured by selective plate counting and enzyme-linked immunoassay
MT Rose, R Deaker, S Potard, CKT Tran, NT Vu, IR Kennedy
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 27, 1649-1659, 2011
Effects of bacterial inoculant biofertilizers on growth, yield and nutrition of rice in Australia
ML Kecskés, A Choudhury, AV Casteriano, R Deaker, RJ Roughley, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition 39 (3), 377-388, 2016
Physiological changes in rhizobia after growth in peat extract may be related to improved desiccation tolerance
A Casteriano, MA Wilkes, R Deaker
Applied and environmental microbiology 79 (13), 3998-4007, 2013
Optimal plant growth-promoting concentration of Azospirillum brasilense inoculated to cucumber, lettuce and tomato seeds varies between bacterial strains
JS Mangmang, R Deaker, G Rogers
Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 62 (3), 145-152, 2015
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Articles 1–20