Danielle Kuhl
Danielle Kuhl
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Cited by
Segregation, Racial Structure, and Neighborhood Violent Crime1
LJ Krivo, RD Peterson, DC Kuhl
American Journal of Sociology 114 (6), 1765-1802, 2009
Paternal incarceration and trajectories of marijuana and other illegal drug use from adolescence into young adulthood: evidence from longitudinal panels of males and females in …
ME Roettger, RR Swisher, DC Kuhl, J Chavez
Addiction 106 (1), 121-132, 2011
Reconsidering peer influences on delinquency: Do less proximate contacts matter?
DC Payne, B Cornwell
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 23, 127-149, 2007
Race, friendship networks, and violent delinquency
DL Haynie, DC Payne
Criminology 44 (4), 775-805, 2006
Social control and youth suicidality: situating Durkheim's ideas in a multilevel framework
D Maimon, DC Kuhl
American Sociological Review 73 (6), 921-943, 2008
Social cohesion and self-rated health: the moderating effect of neighborhood physical disorder
EES Bjornstrom, ML Ralston, DC Kuhl
American journal of community psychology 52, 302-312, 2013
Racial and ethnic differences in neighborhood attainments in the transition to adulthood
RR Swisher, DC Kuhl, JM Chavez
Social Forces 91 (4), 1399-1428, 2013
Intimate partner violence in neighborhood context: The roles of structural disadvantage, subjective disorder, and emotional distress
JE Copp, DC Kuhl, PC Giordano, MA Longmore, WD Manning
Social science research 53, 59-72, 2015
Adolescent violent victimization and precocious union formation
DC Kuhl, DF Warner, A Wilczak
Criminology 50 (4), 1089-1127, 2012
Toward a better understanding of perceptions of neighborhood social cohesion in rural and urban places
EE Avery, JM Hermsen, DC Kuhl
Social Indicators Research 157 (2), 523-541, 2021
A different look at the epidemiological paradox: Self-rated health, perceived social cohesion, and neighborhood immigrant context
EES Bjornstrom, DC Kuhl
Social Science & Medicine 120, 118-125, 2014
Intimate partner violence risk among victims of youth violence: Are early unions bad, beneficial, or benign?
DC Kuhl, DF Warner, TD Warner
Criminology 53 (3), 427-456, 2015
Parenthood residency status and criminal desistance across neighborhood contexts
JA Ziegler, DC Kuhl, RR Swisher, JM Chavez
Deviant behavior 38 (1), 17-33, 2017
Race, adolescent binge drinking, and the context of neighborhood exposure
AG Krieg, DC Kuhl
Deviant behavior 37 (6), 615-633, 2016
Cut to the quick: The consequences of youth violent victimization for the timing of dating debut and first union formation
TD Warner, DF Warner, DC Kuhl
American sociological review 82 (6), 1241-1271, 2017
Social class, family formation, and delinquency in early adulthood
DC Kuhl, JM Chavez, RR Swisher, A Wilczak
Sociological perspectives 59 (2), 345-367, 2016
Heavy episodic drinking in early adulthood: how parents’ education contextualizes the effects of college status
DC Kuhl, LA Burrington
Sociological focus 53 (1), 29-52, 2020
The Influence of Community Disadvantage and Opioid Pill Prescriptions on Overdose Deaths in American Counties
LM Confer, D Kuhl, JH Boman
American Journal of Criminal Justice 48 (6), 1295-1319, 2023
Intimate partner violence risk among victims of youth violence: are early unions bad, beneficial, or benign?
DF Warner, DC Kuhl, TD Warner
Bibliography Part B
B Arneil, B Aruqaj, EE Avery, JM Hermsen, DC Kuhl, R Berger-Schmitt
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Articles 1–20