rolf lidskog
Cited by
Cited by
Who speaks for the future of Earth? How critical social science can extend the conversation on the Anthropocene
E Lövbrand, S Beck, J Chilvers, T Forsyth, J Hedrén, M Hulme, R Lidskog, ...
Global Environmental Change 32, 211-218, 2015
Conditions for transformative learning for sustainable development: A theoretical review and approach
M Boström, E Andersson, M Berg, K Gustafsson, E Gustavsson, E Hysing, ...
Sustainability 10 (12), 4479, 2018
Towards a reflexive turn in the governance of global environmental expertise. The cases of the IPCC and the IPBES
S Beck, M Borie, J Chilvers, A Esguerra, K Heubach, M Hulme, R Lidskog, ...
GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 23 (2), 80-87, 2014
The Swedish forestry model: More of everything?
KB Lindahl, A Sténs, C Sandström, J Johansson, R Lidskog, T Ranius, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 77, 44-55, 2017
Risk, communication and trust: Towards an emotional understanding of trust
E Engdahl, R Lidskog
Public understanding of science 23 (6), 703-717, 2014
The role of science in environmental regimes: The case of LRTAP
R Lidskog, G Sundovist
International Environmental Governance, 211-235, 2017
Scientised citizens and democratised science. Re-assessing the expert-lay divide
R Lidskog
New perspectives on risk communication, 69-86, 2013
The role of music in ethnic identity formation in diaspora: a research review
R Lidskog
International Social Science Journal 66 (219-220), 23-38, 2016
Consuming cities: The urban environment in the global economy after the Rio Declaration
N Low, R Lidskog
Psychology Press, 2000
Boundary organizations and environmental governance: Performance, institutional design, and conceptual development
KM Gustafsson, R Lidskog
Climate Risk Management 19, 1-11, 2018
Addressing climate change democratically. Multi‐level governance, transnational networks and governmental structures
R Lidskog, I Elander
Sustainable Development 18 (1), 32-41, 2010
When does science matter? International relations meets science and technology studies
R Lidskog, G Sundqvist
Global Environmental Politics 15 (1), 1-20, 2015
In science we trust? On the relation between scientific knowledge, risk consciousness and public trust
R Lidskog
Acta sociologica 39 (1), 31-56, 1996
Ecological modernization in practice? The case of sustainable development in Sweden
R Lidskog, I Elander
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 14 (4), 411-427, 2012
Bumping against the boundary: IPBES and the knowledge divide
E Löfmarck, R Lidskog
Environmental Science & Policy 69, 22-28, 2017
Samhälle Risk och Miljö. Sociologiska perspektiv på det moderna samhällets miljöproblem
R Lidskog, E Sandstedt, G Sundqvist
Sociology of risk
R Lidskog, G Sundqvist
Essentials of risk theory, 75-105, 2012
A reflexive look at reflexivity in environmental sociology
M Boström, R Lidskog, Y Uggla
Environmental Sociology 3 (1), 6-16, 2017
On the right track? Technology, geology and society in Swedish nuclear waste management
R Lidskog, G Sundqvist
Journal of risk research 7 (2), 251-268, 2004
The re-naturalization of society? Environmental challenges for sociology
R Lidskog
Current Sociology 49 (1), 113-136, 2001
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Articles 1–20