Martha Cecilia Giraldo
Martha Cecilia Giraldo
Research Associate
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Translocation of Magnaporthe oryzae Effectors into Rice Cells and Their Subsequent Cell-to-Cell Movement
CH Khang, R Berruyer, MC Giraldo, P Kankanala, SY Park, K Czymmek, ...
The Plant Cell 22 (4), 1388-1403, 2010
Filamentous plant pathogen effectors in action
MC Giraldo, B Valent
Nature Reviews Microbiology 11 (11), 800-814, 2013
Interaction Transcriptome Analysis Identifies Magnaporthe oryzae BAS1-4 as Biotrophy-Associated Secreted Proteins in Rice Blast Disease
G Mosquera, MC Giraldo, CH Khang, S Coughlan, B Valent
The Plant Cell 21 (4), 1273-1290, 2009
Two distinct secretion systems facilitate tissue invasion by the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae
MC Giraldo, YF Dagdas, YK Gupta, TA Mentlak, M Yi, AL Martinez-Rocha, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1-12, 2013
Microsatellite marker diversity in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
MW Blair, MC Giraldo, HF Buendia, E Tovar, MC Duque, SE Beebe
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 113, 100-109, 2006
Morphological and molecular characterization of common bean landraces and cultivars from the Caribbean
LA Duran, MW Blair, MC Giraldo, R Macchiavelli, E Prophete, JC Nin, ...
Crop Science 45 (4), 1320-1328, 2005
Gene-based SSR markers for common bean (Phaseolus vulgarisL.) derived from root and leaf tissue ESTs: an integration of the BMc series
MW Blair, N Hurtado, CM Chavarro, MC Muñoz-Torres, MC Giraldo, ...
BMC Plant Biology 11, 1-10, 2011
Development and diversity of Andean-derived, gene-based microsatellites for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
MW Blair, MM Torres, MC Giraldo, F Pedraza
BMC Plant Biology 9, 1-14, 2009
Characterization of AT-rich microsatellites in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
MW Blair, HF Buendía, MC Giraldo, I Métais, D Peltier
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 118, 91-103, 2008
Estudio de brote febril hemorrágico en el corregimiento de Alto de Mulatos-Distrito Especial Portuario de Turbo, Antioquia, enero de 2008
O Pacheco, M Giraldo, M Martínez, M Hidalgo, A Galeano, I Echeverri, ...
Inf Quinc Epidemiol Nac 13 (10), 145-160, 2008
Development of microsatellite markers for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) based on screening of non-enriched, small-insert genomic libraries
MW Blair, MM Torres, F Pedraza, MC Giraldo, HF Buendia, N Hurtado
Genome 52 (9), 772-782, 2009
Ganadería colombiana sostenible
J Chará, E Murgueitio, A Zuluaga, C Giraldo
Mainstreaming Biodiversity in sustainable cattle ranching. Fundación CIPAV, 2011
Establecimiento y manejo de sistemas silvopastoriles intensivos con Leucaena
E Murgueitio, F Uribe, C Molina, E Molina, W Galindo, J Chará, M Flores, ...
Editorial CIPAV, Cali, Colombia. bit. ly/2Y1b2Yf, 2016
Estudios sobre memoria colectiva del conflicto. Colombia, 2000-2010
M Giraldo, J Gómez, B Cadavid, M González
Revista interamericana de bibliotecología 34 (3), 339-341, 2011
Characterization and regulation of expression of an antifungal peptide from hemolymph of an insect, Manduca sexta
Q Al Souhail, Y Hiromasa, M Rahnamaeian, MC Giraldo, D Takahashi, ...
Developmental & Comparative Immunology 61, 258-268, 2016
Más observaciones sobre la concentración de mariposas territoriales en cumbres de cerros colombianos y especies residentes en el bosque de Bavaria (Villavicencio, Meta), su …
JA Salazar, M Giraldo, JI Vargas
Bol. Cient. Mus. Hist. Nat. U. de Caldas 7, 255-317, 2003
The Small GTPase MoSec4 Is Involved in Vegetative Development and Pathogenicity by Regulating the Extracellular Protein Secretion in Magnaporthe oryzae
H Zheng, S Chen, X Chen, S Liu, X Dang, C Yang, MC Giraldo, ...
Frontiers in plant science 7, 1458, 2016
pFPL vectors for high-throughput protein localization in fungi: detecting cytoplasmic accumulation of putative effector proteins
X Gong, O Hurtado, B Wang, C Wu, M Yi, M Giraldo, B Valent, M Goodin, ...
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 28 (2), 107-121, 2015
Aprender la ciudad
M Giraldo, M Lía
Medellín: Corporación Región y Viva la Ciudadanía, 2002
Servicios ambientales que proveen los sistemas silvopastoriles y los beneficios para la biodiversidad. Manual 4, Proyecto Ganadería Colombiana Sostenible, GEF, Banco Mundial …
AF Zuluaga, C Giraldo, J Chará
Bogotá, 2011
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Articles 1–20