Beth A. Newingham
Beth A. Newingham
Research Ecologist, USDA-Agricultural Research Service
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Positive interactions among alpine plants increase with stress
RM Callaway, RW Brooker, P Choler, Z Kikvidze, CJ Lortie, R Michalet, ...
Nature 417 (6891), 844-848, 2002
Insect herbivory stimulates allelopathic exudation by an invasive plant and the suppression of natives
GC Thelen, JM Vivanco, B Newingham, W Good, HP Bais, P Landres, ...
Ecology Letters 8 (2), 209-217, 2005
Compensatory growth and competitive ability of an invasive weed are enhanced by soil fungi and native neighbours
R Callaway, B Newingham, CA Zabinski, BE Mahall
Ecology Letters 4 (5), 429-433, 2001
Allocating nitrogen away from a herbivore: a novel compensatory response to root herbivory
BA Newingham, RM Callaway, H BassiriRad
Oecologia 153, 913-920, 2007
No cumulative effect of 10 years of elevated [CO2] on perennial plant biomass components in the Mojave Desert
BA Newingham, CH Vanier, TN Charlet, K Ogle, SD Smith, RS Nowak
Global Change Biology 19 (7), 2168-2181, 2013
Enhanced monsoon precipitation and nitrogen deposition affect leaf traits and photosynthesis differently in spring and summer in the desert shrub Larrea tridentata
DH Barker, C Vanier, E Naumburg, TN Charlet, KM Nielsen, ...
New Phytologist 169 (4), 799-808, 2006
Greater ecosystem carbon in the Mojave Desert after ten years exposure to elevated CO2
RD Evans, A Koyama, DL Sonderegger, TN Charlet, BA Newingham, ...
Nature Climate Change 4 (5), 394-397, 2014
An accuracy assessment of the MTBS burned area product for shrub–steppe fires in the northern Great Basin, United States
AM Sparks, L Boschetti, AMS Smith, WT Tinkham, KO Lannom, ...
International Journal of Wildland Fire 24 (1), 70-78, 2014
Enhancing wind erosion monitoring and assessment for US rangelands
NP Webb, JW Van Zee, JW Karl, JE Herrick, EM Courtright, BJ Billings, ...
Rangelands 39 (3-4), 85-96, 2017
Soil morphologic properties and cattle stocking rate affect dynamic soil properties
HJ Schmalz, RV Taylor, TN Johnson, PL Kennedy, SJ DeBano, ...
Rangeland Ecology & Management 66 (4), 445-453, 2013
Defining extreme wildland fires using geospatial and ancillary metrics
KO Lannom, WT Tinkham, AMS Smith, J Abatzoglou, BA Newingham, ...
International Journal of Wildland Fire 23 (3), 322-337, 2014
Indicators of climate change in Idaho: An assessment framework for coupling biophysical change and social perception
PZ Klos, JT Abatzoglou, A Bean, J Blades, MA Clark, M Dodd, TE Hall, ...
Weather, Climate, and Society 7 (3), 238-254, 2015
Shoot herbivory on the invasive plant, Centaurea maculosa, does not reduce its competitive effects on conspecifics and natives
B A. Newingham, R M. Callaway
Oikos 114 (3), 397-406, 2006
Direct effects of soil amendments on field emergence and growth of the invasive annual grass Bromus tectorum L. and the native perennial grass Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth
BA Newingham, J Belnap
Plant and Soil 280, 29-40, 2006
Parameterizing an aeolian erosion model for rangelands
BL Edwards, NP Webb, MS Galloza, JW Van Zee, EM Courtright, ...
Aeolian Research 54, 100769, 2022
Postfire drill-seeding of Great Basin plants: effects of contrasting drills on seeded and nonseeded species
JE Ott, RD Cox, NL Shaw, BA Newingham, AC Ganguli, M Pellant, ...
Rangeland Ecology & Management 69 (5), 373-385, 2016
Quantifying livestock effects on bunchgrass vegetation with Landsat ETM+ data across a single growing season
VS Jansen, CA Kolden, RV Taylor, BA Newingham
International Journal of Remote Sensing 37 (1), 150-175, 2016
Do soil characteristics or microhabitat determine field emergence and success of Bromus tectorum?
BA Newingham, P Vidiella, J Belnap
Journal of Arid Environments 70 (3), 389-402, 2007
A social-ecological impact assessment for public lands management: Application of a conceptual and methodological framework
ALB Brymer, JD Holbrook, RJ Niemeyer, AA Suazo, JD Wulfhorst, ...
Ecology and Society 21 (3), 2016
Fuel reduction treatments reduce modeled fire intensity in the sagebrush steppe
LM Ellsworth, BA Newingham, SE Shaff, CL Williams, EK Strand, ...
Ecosphere 13 (5), e4064, 2022
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Articles 1–20