Jay Bal
Jay Bal
Associate Professor, University of Warwick
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Cited by
Virtual team meetings: An analysis of communication and context
AH Anderson, R McEwan, J Bal, J Carletta
Computers in Human Behavior 23 (5), 2558-2580, 2007
A review of attack graph and attack tree visual syntax in cyber security
HS Lallie, K Debattista, J Bal
Computer Science Review 35, 100219, 2020
Process analysis tools for process improvement
J Bal
The TQM Magazine 10 (5), 342-354, 1998
Virtual teaming in the agile supply chain
J Bal, RD Wilding, J Gundry
Mcb, 1999
Process analysis techniques and tools for business improvements
Y Cheung, J Bal
Business Process Management Journal 4 (4), 274-290, 1998
Implementing virtual teamworking. Part 1: a literature review of best practice
J Bal, PK Teo
Logistics Information Management 13 (6), 346-352, 2000
Virtual teaming in the automotive supply chain
J Bal, J Gundry
Team Performance Management: An International Journal 5 (6), 174-193, 1999
Managing the virtual team and controlling effectiveness
J Bal, P Foster
International Journal of Production Research 38 (17), 4019-4032, 2000
Gamification as a tool for increasing the depth of student understanding using a collaborative e-learning environment
BW Betts, J Bal, AW Betts
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long …, 2013
An empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of attack graphs and fault trees in cyber-attack perception
HS Lallie, K Debattista, J Bal
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 13 (5), 1110-1122, 2017
Implementing virtual teamworking: part 2–a literature review
J Bal, PK Teo
Logistics Information Management 14 (3), 208-222, 2001
Learning style preferences of engineers in automotive design
Y James‐Gordon, J Bal
Journal of Workplace Learning 13 (6), 239-245, 2001
Implementing virtual teamworking: Part 3–a methodology for introducing virtual teamworking
J Bal, PK Teo
Logistics Information Management 14 (4), 276-292, 2001
The emerging self‐directed learning methods for design engineers
Y James‐Gordon, J Bal
The learning organization 10 (1), 63-69, 2003
Entropy for business failure prediction: An improved prediction model for the construction industry
J Bal, Y Cheung, HC Wu
Advances in decision sciences 2013, 2013
External environmental forces affecting e‐learning providers
Y James‐Gordon, A Young, J Bal
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 21 (3), 168-172, 2003
Evaluating practitioner cyber-security attack graph configuration preferences
HS Lallie, K Debattista, J Bal
Computers & Security 79, 117-131, 2018
A fast and economic ontology engineering approach towards improving capability matching: Application to an online engineering collaborative platform
X Ma, J Bal, A Issa
Computers in industry 65 (9), 1264-1275, 2014
The effects of technology-based learning on design engineers and the organization
YJ Gordon, J Bal
Industrial and commercial training 33 (5), 167-74, 2001
Creating lean and agile supply chains with blockchain
R Zhao, J Bal, X Ma
Proceedings of the 2021 3rd International Conference on Blockchain …, 2021
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Articles 1–20