"Wei-tin Chen"
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Cited by
Colossal negative thermal expansion in BiNiO 3 induced by intermetallic charge transfer
M Azuma, W Chen, H Seki, M Czapski, S Olga, K Oka, M Mizumaki, ...
Nature communications 2 (1), 1-5, 2011
Pressure-induced spin-state transition in BiCoO3
K Oka, M Azuma, W Chen, H Yusa, AA Belik, E Takayama-Muromachi, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (27), 9438-9443, 2010
A half-metallic A-and B-site-ordered quadruple perovskite oxide CaCu 3 Fe 2 Re 2 O 12 with large magnetization and a high transition temperature
W Chen, M Mizumaki, H Seki, MS Senn, T Saito, D Kan, JP Attfield, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 1-7, 2014
Crystal and magnetic structure in co-substituted BiFeO3
I Sosnowska, M Azuma, R Przeniosło, D Wardecki, W Chen, K Oka, ...
Inorganic chemistry 52 (22), 13269-13277, 2013
Ligand-hole localization in oxides with unusual valence Fe
WT Chen, T Saito, N Hayashi, M Takano, Y Shimakawa
Scientific reports 2 (1), 1-6, 2012
Exotic Low-Energy Excitations Emergent in the Random Kitaev Magnet
YS Choi, CH Lee, S Lee, S Yoon, WJ Lee, J Park, A Ali, Y Singh, JC Orain, ...
Physical review letters 122 (16), 167202, 2019
Robust Antiferromagnetism and Structural Disorder in Bi x Ca1− x FeO3 Perovskites
W Chen, AJ Williams, L Ortega-San-Martin, M Li, DC Sinclair, W Zhou, ...
Chemistry of Materials 21 (10), 2085-2093, 2009
Randomly Hopping Majorana Fermions in the Diluted Kitaev System -
SH Do, CH Lee, T Kihara, YS Choi, S Yoon, K Kim, H Cheong, WT Chen, ...
Physical review letters 124 (4), 047204, 2020
Direct observation of the ferrimagnetic coupling of A-site Cu and B-site Fe spins in charge-disproportionated CaCu 3 Fe 4 O 12
M Mizumaki, WT Chen, T Saito, I Yamada, JP Attfield, Y Shimakawa
Physical Review B 84 (9), 094418, 2011
Pressure effect on intersite charge transfer in a-site-ordered double-perovskite-structure oxide
Y Long, T Kawakami, W Chen, T Saito, T Watanuki, Y Nakakura, Q Liu, ...
Chemistry of Materials 24 (11), 2235-2239, 2012
Site-Selective Doping Effect in AMn3V4O12 (A = Na+, Ca2+, and La3+)
S Zhang, T Saito, M Mizumaki, W Chen, T Tohyama, Y Shimakawa
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (16), 6056-6060, 2013
Crystal growth and magnetic ordering of Na 2 Ni 2 TeO 6 with honeycomb layers and Na 2 Cu 2 TeO 6 with Cu spin dimers
R Sankar, IP Muthuselvam, GJ Shu, WT Chen, SK Karna, R Jayavel, ...
CrystEngComm 16 (47), 10791-10796, 2014
Ca 1− x Sr x RuO 3 perovskite at the metal–insulator boundary as a highly active oxygen evolution catalyst
S Hirai, T Ohno, R Uemura, T Maruyama, M Furunaka, R Fukunaga, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (25), 15387-15394, 2019
B-Cation Order Control of Magnetism in the 1322 Perovskite CaCu3Fe2Nb2O12
MS Senn, W Chen, T Saito, S García-Martín, JP Attfield, Y Shimakawa
Chemistry of Materials 26 (16), 4832-4837, 2014
Structure–property relations in Ag–Bi–I compounds: potential Pb-free absorbers in solar cells
A Koedtruad, M Goto, MA Patino, Z Tan, H Guo, T Nakamura, T Handa, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (10), 5583-5588, 2019
Charge transfer and antiferromagnetic order in the A-site-ordered perovskite LaCu 3 Fe 4 O 12
W Chen, Y Long, T Saito, JP Attfield, Y Shimakawa
Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (34), 7282-7286, 2010
Non‐Fermi Liquids as Highly Active Oxygen Evolution Reaction Catalysts
S Hirai, S Yagi, WT Chen, FC Chou, N Okazaki, T Ohno, H Suzuki, ...
Advanced Science 4 (10), 1700176, 2017
Colossal Barocaloric Effect by Large Latent Heat Produced by First‐Order Intersite‐Charge‐Transfer Transition
Y Kosugi, M Goto, Z Tan, A Fujita, T Saito, T Kamiyama, WT Chen, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (25), 2009476, 2021
Tuning Through-Bond Fe (III)/Fe (II) Coupling by Solvent Manipulation of a Central Ruthenium Redox Couple
YC Lin, WT Chen, J Tai, D Su, SY Huang, I Lin, JL Lin, MM Lee, MF Chiou, ...
Inorganic chemistry 48 (5), 1857-1870, 2009
Magnetic ordering and dielectric relaxation in the double perovskite YBaCuFeO5
YC Lai, CH Du, CH Lai, YH Liang, CW Wang, KC Rule, HC Wu, HD Yang, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29 (14), 145801, 2017
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Articles 1–20