Luke Darlow
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Cited by
Cinic-10 is not imagenet or cifar-10
LN Darlow, EJ Crowley, A Antoniou, AJ Storkey
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.03505, 2018
Fingerprint minutiae extraction using deep learning
LN Darlow, B Rosman
2017 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), 22-30, 2017
Efficient internal and surface fingerprint extraction and blending using optical coherence tomography
LN Darlow, J Connan
Applied optics 54 (31), 9258-9268, 2015
Automated spoof-detection for fingerprints using optical coherence tomography
LN Darlow, L Webb, N Botha
Applied optics 55 (13), 3387-3396, 2016
Internal fingerprint zone detection in optical coherence tomography fingertip scans
LN Darlow, J Connan, SS Akhoury
Journal of Electronic Imaging 24 (2), 023027-023027, 2015
Latent adversarial debiasing: Mitigating collider bias in deep neural networks
L Darlow, S Jastrzębski, A Storkey
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.11486, 2020
How does it function? characterizing long-term trends in production serverless workloads
A Joosen, A Hassan, M Asenov, R Singh, L Darlow, J Wang, A Barker
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 443-458, 2023
Study on internal to surface fingerprint correlation using optical coherence tomography and internal fingerprint extraction
LN Darlow, J Connan
Journal of Electronic Imaging 24 (6), 063014-063014, 2015
A review of state-of-the-art speckle reduction techniques for optical coherence tomography fingertip scans
LN Darlow, SS Akhoury, J Connan
Seventh International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2014) 9445, 418-426, 2015
What information does a ResNet compress?
LN Darlow, A Storkey
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.06254, 2020
Extracting subsurface fingerprints using optical coherence tomography
SS Akhoury, LN Darlow
2015 Third International Conference on Digital Information, Networking, and …, 2015
Internal fingerprint acquisition from optical coherence tomography fingertip scans
LN Darlow, SS Akhoury, J Connan
2015 Third International Conference on Digital Information, Networking, and …, 2015
Optical coherence tomography for fingerprint presentation attack detection
Y Moolla, L Darlow, A Sharma, A Singh, J Van Der Merwe
Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing: Presentation Attack Detection, 49-70, 2019
Performance analysis of a hybrid fingerprint extracted from optical coherence tomography fingertip scans
LN Darlow, J Connan, A Singh
2016 International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), 1-8, 2016
Dhog: Deep hierarchical object grouping
LN Darlow, A Storkey
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.08821, 2020
An Analysis of Linear Time Series Forecasting Models
W Toner, L Darlow
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.14587, 2024
Damage invariant and high security acquisition of the internal fingerprint using optical coherence tomography
LN Darlow, A Singh, Y Moolla, LR Ramokolo, R Van Wyk, N Botha, ...
Infonomics Society, 2016
FoldFormer: sequence folding and seasonal attention for fine-grained long-term FaaS forecasting
LN Darlow, A Joosen, M Asenov, Q Deng, J Wang, A Barker
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Machine Learning and Systems, 71-77, 2023
DAM: A Foundation Model for Forecasting
LN Darlow, Q Deng, A Hassan, M Asenov, R Singh, A Joosen, A Barker, ...
The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations. https …, 2024
TSMix: time series data augmentation by mixing sources
LN Darlow, A Joosen, M Asenov, Q Deng, J Wang, A Barker
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Machine Learning and Systems, 109-114, 2023
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Articles 1–20