Hata Kenji
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Cited by
Effectiveness of the weed risk assessment system for the Bonin Islands
H Kato, K Hata, H Yamamoto, T Yoshioka
Assessment and Control of Biological Invasion Risks. Shoukadoh Book Sellers …, 2006
Litter of an alien tree, Casuarina equisetifolia, inhibits seed germination and initial growth of a native tree on the Ogasawara Islands (subtropical oceanic islands)
K Hata, H Kato, N Kachi
Journal of Forest Research 15, 384-390, 2010
Fine‐scale spatial distribution of seedling establishment of the invasive plant, Leucaena leucocephala, on an oceanic island after feral goat extermination
K Hata, JI Suzuki, N Kachi
Weed Research 50 (5), 472-480, 2010
Eradication of feral goats enhances expansion of the invasive shrub Leucaena leucocephala on Nakoudo‐jima, an oceanic island
T Osawa, K Hata, N Kachi
Weed Research 56 (2), 168-178, 2016
Leaf litter of the invasive Casuarina equisetifolia decomposes at the same rate as that of native woody species on oceanic islands but releases more nitrogen
K Hata, H Kato, N Kachi
Weed Research 52 (6), 542-550, 2012
Complex interrelationships among aboveground biomass, soil chemical properties, and events caused by feral goats and their eradication in a grassland ecosystem of an island
K Hata, M Kohri, S Morita, S Hiradate, N Kachi
Ecosystems 17, 1082-1094, 2014
Vegetation changes between 1978, 1991 and 2003 in the Nakoudojima island that had been disturbed by feral goats
K Hata, JI Suzuki, N Kachi
Restoring the Oceanic Island Ecosystem: Impact and Management of Invasive …, 2010
Community structure of saplings of native woody species under forests dominated by an alien woody species, Casuarina equisetifolia, on Chichijima Island
ハタケンジ, カトウヒデトシ, カチナオキ, 畑憲治, 加藤英寿, 可知直毅
小笠原研究= Ogasawara research, 33-50, 2009
Soil erosion alters soil chemical properties and limits grassland plant establishment on an oceanic island even after goat eradication
K Hata, T Osawa, S Hiradate, N Kachi
Restoration Ecology 27 (2), 333-342, 2019
Effects of an alien shrub species, Leucaena leucocephala, on establishment of native mid-successional tree species after disturbance in the national park in the Chichijima …
K Hata, JI Suzuki, N Kachi
Tropics 16 (3), 283-290, 2007
A 19-Year Study of the Dynamics of an Invasive Alien Tree, Bischofia javanica, on a Subtropical Oceanic Island1
K Hata, JI Suzuki, N Kachi, Y Yamamura
Pacific Science 60 (4), 455-470, 2006
Increases in soil water content after the mortality of non-native trees in oceanic island forest ecosystems are due to reduced water loss during dry periods
K Hata, K Kawakami, N Kachi
Science of the Total Environment 545, 372-380, 2016
Effects of soil erosion and seabird activities on chemical properties of surface soils on an oceanic island in Ogasawara Islands, Japan
S Hiradate, S Morita, K Hata, T Osawa, K Sugai, N Kachi
Catena 133, 495-502, 2015
Higher Soil Water Availability after Removal of a Dominant, Nonnative Tree (Casuarina equisetifolia Forst.) from a Subtropical Forest1
K Hata, K Kawakami, N Kachi
Pacific Science 69 (4), 445-460, 2015
Seedlings of a native shrub can establish under forests dominated by an alien tree, Casuarina equisetifolia, on subtropical oceanic islands
K Hata, H Kato, N Kachi
Journal of forest research 17, 208-212, 2012
Litterfall in forests dominated by an alien woody species, Casuarina equisetifolia, on Chichijima Island
ハタケンジ, カトウヒデトシ, カチナオキ, 畑憲治, 加藤英寿, 可知直毅
小笠原研究= Ogasawara research, 1-14, 2010
Fine-scale distribution of aboveground biomass of herbaceous vegetation and soil nutrients on an oceanic island after goat eradication are correlated with grazing damage and …
K Hata, M Kohri, S Morita, S Hiradate
Pacific Conservation Biology 20 (4), 344-353, 2015
Expression patterns of Hox genes in the direct-type developing sand dollar Peronella japonica: insights into the evolution of echinoderms
J Tsuchimoto
金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科博士学位論文, 107p., 1-107, 2012
Ecosystem changes following the eradication of invasive species: Evaluation of various eradication scenarios by computer simulation
K Yoshida, K Hata, K Kawakami, S Hiradate, T Osawa, N Kachi
Ecological Modelling 413, 108831, 2019
Species-specific growth patterns of trees neighboring dead oak trees caused by Japanese oak wilt disease
K Hata, N Iwai, T Sato, H Sawada
Journal of Forest Research 22 (4), 248-255, 2017
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Articles 1–20