Katie Sievers, PhD
Cited by
Cited by
Higher fish biomass inside than outside marine protected areas despite typhoon impacts in a complex reefscape
EC McClure, KT Sievers, RA Abesamis, AS Hoey, AC Alcala, GR Russ
Biological Conservation 241, 108354, 2020
Non‐reef habitats in a tropical seascape affect density and biomass of fishes on coral reefs
KT Sievers, EC McClure, RA Abesamis, GR Russ
Ecology and evolution 10 (24), 13673-13686, 2020
Relative influence of environmental factors and fishing on coral reef fish assemblages
EC McClure, AS Hoey, KT Sievers, RA Abesamis, GR Russ
Conservation Biology 35 (3), 976-990, 2021
Impact of habitat structure on fish populations in kelp forests at a seascape scale
KT Sievers, RJ Barr, JM Maloney, NW Driscoll, TW Anderson
Marine Ecology Progress Series 557, 51-63, 2016
Conservation benefits of no-take marine reserves outweigh modest benefits of partially protected areas for targeted coral reef fishes
AE Hall, KT Sievers, MJ Kingsford
Coral Reefs 42 (2), 319-333, 2023
Unravelling Seascape Patterns of Cryptic Life Stages: Non-Reef Habitat Use in Juvenile Parrotfishes
KT Sievers, RA Abesamis, AA Bucol, GR Russ
Diversity 12 (10), 376, 2020
Multi-Scale Coral Reef and Seascape Habitat Variables Combine to Influence Reef Fish Assemblages
KT Sievers, EC McClure, RA Abesamis, GR Russ
Fishes 9 (4), 137, 2024
Correction to: Conservation benefits of no-take marine reserves outweigh modest benefits of partially protected areas for targeted coral reef fishes
AE Hall, KT Sievers, MJ Kingsford
Coral Reefs 42 (2), 335-335, 2023
Non-reef habitats in a tropical seascape: the effects of the surrounding seascape on coral reef fishes
KT Sievers
James Cook University, 2021
The effects of habitat structure on kelp forest fish populations at a seascape scale
KT Sievers
San Diego State University, 2016
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Articles 1–10