Evgeny Knutov
Evgeny Knutov
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AH 12 years later: a comprehensive survey of adaptive hypermedia methods and techniques
E Knutov, P De Bra, M Pechenizkiy
New review of hypermedia and multimedia 15 (1), 5-38, 2009
Generic adaptation framework: a process-oriented perspective
E Knutov, P De Bra, M Pechenizkiy
Integrating serious games in adaptive hypermedia applications for personalised learning experiences
M Hendrix, S Arnab, I Dunwell, P Petridis, P Lameras, S De Freitas, ...
The 5th International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid and On-line Learning, 2013
GAF: Generic adaptation framework
E Knutov
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems: 5th International …, 2008
GALE: a generic open source extensible adaptation engine
P De Bra, E Knutov, D Smits, N Stash, VFC Ramos
New review of hypermedia and multimedia 19 (2), 182-212, 2013
Generic Adaptation Framework for unifying adaptive web-based systems
E Knutov
Provenance meets adaptive hypermedia
E Knutov, P De Bra, M Pechenizkiy
Proceedings of the 21st ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia, 93-98, 2010
Bridging recommendation and adaptation: Generic adaptation framework-Twittomender compliance study
J Hannon, E Knutov, PME De Bra, M Pechenizkiy, K McCarthy, B Smyth
Workshop on Dynamic and Adaptive Hypertext 2011: Generic Frameworks …, 2012
Versioning in Adaptive Hypermedia
E Knutov, P De Bra, M Pechenizkiy
Proc. of Workshop on Dynamic and Adaptive Hypertext: Generic Frameworks …, 2009
Adaptation and Search: from Dexter and AHAM to GAF
E Knutov, P De Bra, M Pechenizkiy
Proceedings of the 21st ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia, 281-282, 2010
Bridging navigation, search and adaptation-adaptive hypermedia models evolution
E Knutov, P De Bra, D Smits, M Pechenizkiy
International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies 2, 314-321, 2011
Towards edm framework for personalization of information services in rpm systems
E Vasilyeva, M Pechenizkiy, A Tesanovic, E Knutov, S Verwer, P De Bra
Educational Data Mining 2010, 2010
Adaptive hypermedia systems analysis approach by means of the GAF framework
E Knutov, P De Bra, M Pechenizkiy
Workshop on Dynamic and Adaptive Hypertext 2011: Generic Frameworks …, 2012
Generic Adaptation Process.
E Knutov, P De Bra, M Pechenizkiy
WABBWUAS@ UMAP, 13-24, 2010
Patient condition modeling in remote patient management: Hospitalization prediction
M Pechenizkiy, A Tesanovic, G Manev, E Vasilyeva, E Knutov, SE Verwer, ...
Adjunct Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on User Modeling …, 2010
Unifying Adaptive Learning Environments: authoring styles in the GRAPPLE project
P De Bra, D Smits, E Knutov, E Ploum, K van der Sluijs
Adjunct Proceedings First International Conference on User Modeling …, 2009
Authoring of adaptive serious games
M Hendrix, E Knutov, L Auneau, A Protopsaltis, S Arnab, I Dunwell, ...
21st Century Learning for 21st Century Skills: 7th European Conference of …, 2012
Bridging versioning and adaptive hypermedia in the dynamic web
E Knutov, PME De Bra, M Pechenizkiy
Adjunct Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on User Modeling …, 2010
Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Dynamic and Adaptive Hypertext (DAH'2011, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 6, 2011)
M Pechenizkiy, E Knutov, M Yudelson, F Abel, G Houben, E Herder
CEUR-WS. org, 2012
Towards EDM framework for personalization of information services in RPM systems (Abstract)
E Vasilyeva, M Pechenizkiy, A Tesanovic, E Knutov, SE Verwer, ...
sn, 2010
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Articles 1–20