Ting-Wen Chang
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Cited by
Disrupted classes, undisrupted learning during COVID-19 outbreak in China: application of open educational practices and resources
R Huang, A Tlili, TW Chang, X Zhang, F Nascimbeni, D Burgos
Smart Learning Environments 7, 1-15, 2020
A comparison of reading comprehension across paper, computer screens, and tablets: Does tablet familiarity matter?
G Chen, W Cheng, TW Chang, X Zheng, R Huang
Journal of computers in education 1, 213-225, 2014
The potentials and trends of virtual reality in education: A bibliometric analysis on top research studies in the last two decades
D Liu, KK Bhagat, Y Gao, TW Chang, R Huang
Virtual, augmented, and mixed realities in education, 105-130, 2017
Guidance on open educational practices during school closures: Utilizing OER under COVID-19 pandemic in line with UNESCO OER recommendation
R Huang, D Liu, A Tlili, S Knyazeva, TW Chang, X Zhang, D Burgos, ...
Beijing: Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University, 2020
Learning style Identifier: Improving the precision of learning style identification through computational intelligence algorithms
J Bernard, TW Chang, E Popescu, S Graf
Expert Systems with Applications 75, 94-108, 2017
Accessibility within open educational resources and practices for disabled learners: A systematic literature review
X Zhang, A Tlili, F Nascimbeni, D Burgos, R Huang, TW Chang, M Jemni, ...
Smart Learning Environments 7, 1-19, 2020
PLORS: a personalized learning object recommender system
H Imran, M Belghis-Zadeh, TW Chang, Kinshuk, S Graf
Vietnam Journal of Computer Science 3, 3-13, 2016
Guidance on flexible learning during campus closures: Ensuring course quality of higher education in COVID-19 outbreak
RH Huang, DJ Liu, J Guo, JF Yang, JH Zhao, XF Wei, S Knyazeva, M Li, ...
Beijing: Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University, 2020
Use of Felder and Silverman learning style model for online course design
MM El-Bishouty, A Aldraiweesh, U Alturki, R Tortorella, J Yang, TW Chang, ...
Educational Technology Research and Development 67 (1), 161-177, 2019
The effect on pupils’ science performance and problem-solving ability through Lego: An engineering design-based modeling approach
Y Li, Z Huang, M Jiang, TW Chang
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 19 (3), 143-156, 2016
Open educational resources and practices in China: A systematic literature review
A Tlili, R Huang, TW Chang, F Nascimbeni, D Burgos
Sustainability 11 (18), 4867, 2019
The evolution of sustainability models for Open Educational Resources: Insights from the literature and experts
A Tlili, F Nascimbeni, D Burgos, X Zhang, R Huang, TW Chang
Interactive Learning Environments 31 (3), 1421-1436, 2023
Guidance on Active Learning at Home during Educational Disruption: Promoting student’s self-regulation skills during COVID-19 outbreak
RH Huang, DJ Liu, N Amelina, JF Yang, RX Zhuang, TW Chang, ...
Beijing: Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University, 2020
Smart e-course recommender based on learning styles
MM El-Bishouty, TW Chang, S Graf, Kinshuk, NS Chen
Journal of Computers in Education 1, 99-111, 2014
Using artificial neural networks to identify learning styles
J Bernard, TW Chang, E Popescu, S Graf
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 17th International Conference, AIED …, 2015
A case study of applying open educational practices in higher education during COVID-19: Impacts on learning motivation and perceptions
X Zhang, A Tlili, R Huang, T Chang, D Burgos, J Yang, J Zhang
Sustainability 12 (21), 9129, 2020
A comparison of single-and dual-screen environment in programming language: Cognitive loads and learning effects
TW Chang, JM Hsu, PT Yu
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 14 (2), 188-200, 2011
ICT in education in global context
J Zhang, J Yang, M Chang, T Chang
The Best Pracices in K-12 Schools, 2016
Current state of open educational resources in the Arab region: an investigation in 22 countries
A Tlili, M Jemni, MK Khribi, R Huang, TW Chang, D Liu
Smart Learning Environments 7, 1-15, 2020
The effects of presentation method and information density on visual search ability and working memory load
TW Chang, NS Chen, PT Yu
Computers & Education 58 (2), 721-731, 2012
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Articles 1–20