Guillaume Jacquet
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Cited by
Xrce’s participation in wikipedia retrieval, medical image modality classification and ad-hoc retrieval tasks of imageclef 2010
S Clinchant, G Csurka, J Ah-Pine, G Jacquet, F Perronnin, J Sánchez, ...
Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) Labs and Workshops durig the …, 2010
Hybrid system for named entity resolution
C Brun, M Ehrmann, G Jacquet
US Patent 8,374,844, 2013
Sentiment analysis meets social media–Challenges and solutions of the field in view of the current information sharing context
A Balahur, G Jacquet
Information Processing & Management 51 (4), 428-432, 2015
Named Entity Recognition on Turkish Tweets.
D Küçük, G Jacquet, R Steinberger
LREC, 450-454, 2014
Resource Creation and Evaluation for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts.
A Balahur, M Turchi, R Steinberger, JMP Ortega, G Jacquet, D Küçük, ...
LREC, 4265-4269, 2014
System and method for resolving entity coreference
M Gallé, JM Renders, G Jacquet
US Patent 9,189,473, 2015
System and method for resolving entity coreference
M Gallé, JM Renders, G Jacquet
US Patent 9,189,473, 2015
XRCE's Participation at Patent Image Classification and Image-based Patent Retrieval Tasks of the Clef-IP 2011.
G Csurka, JM Renders, G Jacquet
CLEF (Notebook Papers/Labs/Workshop) 2 (4), 2011
Exploring Linguistically-Lightweight Keyword Extraction Techniques for Indexing News Articles in a Multilingual Set-up
J Piskorski, N Stefanovitch, G Jacquet, A Podavini
Proceedings of the EACL Hackashop on News Media Content Analysis and …, 2021
Clique based clustering for named entity recognition system
J Ah-Pine, G Jacquet
US Patent 8,275,608, 2012
Refining inference rules with temporal event clustering
G Jacquet, S Mirkin
US Patent App. 14/070,786, 2015
TF-IDF Character N-grams versus Word Embedding-based Models for Fine-grained Event Classification: A Preliminary Study
J Piskorski, G Jacquet
Proceedings of the Workshop on Automated Extraction of Socio-political …, 2020
Combining temporal processing and textual entailment to detect temporally anchored events
C Hagege, G Jacquet
US Patent App. 13/920,462, 2014
JRC-Names: Multilingual entity name variants and titles as Linked Data
M Ehrmann, G Jacquet, R Steinberger
Semantic Web 8 (2), 283-295, 2017
New Benchmark Corpus and Models for Fine-grained Event Classification: To BERT or not to BERT?
J Piskorski, J Haneczok, G Jacquet
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational …, 2020
Polysémie lexicale
G Jacquet, F Venant, B Victorri
Sémantique et traitement automatique du langage naturel, 99-132, 2005
Textual entailment method for linking text of an abstract to text in the main body of a document
Á Sandor, G Jacquet
US Patent 8,554,542, 2013
Clique-based clustering for improving named entity recognition systems
J Ah-Pine, G Jacquet
Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2009
XRCE-M: A hybrid system for named entity metonymy resolution
C Brun, M Ehrmann, G Jacquet
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations, 488-491, 2007
XRCE's Participation at Medical Image Modality Classification and Ad-hoc Retrieval Tasks of Image CLEF2011.
G Csurka, S Clinchant, G Jacquet
CLEF (Notebook Papers/Labs/Workshop) 150, 2011
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